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Todd Packer

‘Todd Packer’

Season 7, Episode 18 -  Aired February 24, 2011

When Todd Packer gives up a life on the road for a desk job in Scranton, Michael is the only one happy about the situation. Meanwhile, Andy begs Pam for a new computer after she treats Erin to a new machine, and Dwight and Jim work together to prank Packer.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: It was the best of times, it was the awesomest of times. And now Packer wants to come home. And oh, look who's here to sign off on it! My boo, Holly.


Quote from Holly

Holly: Okay, let's get started.
Todd: After you!
Holly: Oh, Michael! This'll be just us.
Michael Scott: Oh, yes yes yes yes. Just so you know, he's at his funniest when you've given him five shots.
Holly: All right.
Michael Scott: And it also helps if you've had five shots.
Holly: I already have.
Michael Scott: Whoa!

Quote from Todd

Michael Scott: Yes! The Pack is back! Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to a man who needs no introduction, probably because most of you have done it with him. Just kidding he wouldn't be interested in any of you. In all seriousness, Todd Packer, is a permanent salesman at this branch. And I would like to invite you to welcome him with open arms.
Kevin: Yes!
Jim: What!?
Todd: It's great to be among friends, and until then, you suckers will do!
Kevin: Nice. We got burned.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: You got burned, because Packer's back! Packer is turning in his car for a desk. He is turning in his condoms, for a condominium! Although he's probably going to have to use condoms from here on out.

Quote from Pam

Jim: Can I do something for ya?
Pam: I just helped someone out. It feels good.
Jim: Nice. You know, I cleaned our daughter for like, an hour at four a.m. this morning, so...
Pam: So you know the feeling.

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute: Hey, who's dirt box is this?
Holly: Oh, that's our Zen garden.
Dwight K. Schrute: What do you grow in here, bull crap?

Quote from Pam

Holly: Hey, what's up guys?
Meredith: Don't what's up us! You think you're so cute, with your pretty blonde hair!
Jim: Whoa, pull it back. Umm, why did you hire Todd Packer?
Pam: He's seriously awful!
Holly: Michael's recommendation was glowing. And, honestly, he's been nothing but nice to me.
Meredith: That's how he gets you to take off your panties.
Jim: [to Pam] Why are you nodding?
Pam: United front.

Quote from Andy

Andy: Where did you get this?!
Erin: Pam gave it to me!
Andy: This is a sick computer! Gwen Stefani has this computer! [in a British accent] Uh, Pamela! What does a guy have to do to get, ahem, one of them?
Pam: You have a computer, Andy.
Andy: Yeah, but if you donated my computer to Africa, it would become world famous as the slowest computer in Africa.

Quote from Erin

Erin: Oh, if you're going back to the annex, could you take these to Dwight? I think the ants are waking up. They need to start farming soon. Thanks.

Quote from Holly

Holly: Okay: Bill Cosby, Steve Martin, Charlie Bit My Finger, Michael Scott, then all the way down here ... Todd Packer.
Michael Scott: That's insane!
Holly: Honey, he's a jerk.

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