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Season 6, Episode 1 -  Aired September 17, 2009

Michael feels left out of the office gossip, until one of the summer interns tells him some news about Stanley. After Michael spreads it all around the office, he must figure out a way to undo the damage.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: [opening blinds as Stanley walks past] Hey, Stanley! Where you goin', big guy? Up to no good?
Stanley: I'm meeting a client. Do you have a problem with that?
Michael Scott: No, no, no, no. I just had a quick question for you. I'm casting a movie and I'm looking for a woman who can dance, beautiful woman. Do you know anybody?
Stanley: Goodbye.


Quote from Jim

Michael Scott: Did you hear Stanley's having an affair?
Jim: I did. From you. You gotta stop telling people.
Michael Scott: Oh, okay, I get it. You feel out of the loop, and you feel sorry for yourself, and it's really sad because everybody thinks you're a loser...
Jim: Do you know if it's true? Do you have any idea? Because you might be ruining his life.

Quote from Stanley

Michael Scott: Stop. Hold up, hold up, hold up! No, no, no. Time to stop being polite and get real. [Stanley honks horn repeatedly] Stanley, are you having an affair?
Stanley: That is ridiculous. Of course not, why would you think that?
Michael Scott: So it's not true. Okay, well... Oh. Those interns, they told me they saw you at a club, and they all said it was you, it was clearly just... racial profiling gossip.
Stanley: Damn! I told her it was a stupid idea to go up in that club.
Michael Scott: So stupid!
Stanley: It's just that... Teri's been traveling a lot...
Michael Scott: I know, I know.
Stanley: And it's been lonely.
Michael Scott: Oh, I bet. Hey, hey-
Stanley: Cynthia's been keeping me company. She was my nurse, when I was in rehabilitation. We used to go on these long walks on the treadmill... I didn't-

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: I'm worried about Erin, because she's not a very good worker. I don't know how long she's gonna last here.
Kelly: Really?
Michael Scott: Yeah. So... and Andy is gay.
Kelly: Andy Bernard??
Michael Scott: Mm-hmm.

Quote from Meredith

Michael Scott: [whispering] Did you hear Pam is pregnant?
Meredith: Really?
Michael Scott: Yeah!
Meredith: She's gonna hate being a mom.

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute: Look at the intern to your left. Now to your right. One of you will do exceedingly well in business, just unlimited potential. One of you will make a living, and nothing more. And one of you will make a great mother. It's up to you to choose which you want to be.

Quote from Kelly

Erin: I am so happy you're eating again.
Kelly: Me too!

Quote from Andy

Andy: Hey, congratulations to you.
Jim: On what?
Andy: Come on. Little baby Tuna. Little junior toro.

Quote from Pam

Jim: So, they know.
Pam: Who did you tell?
Jim: I didn't tell anyone! Who did you tell?
Pam: Nobody!

Quote from Oscar

Oscar: [to Andy] What? You think I'm the voice of the Taco Bell dog?

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