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Garden Party

‘Garden Party’

Season 8, Episode 4 - Aired October 13, 2011

Andy wants everyone on their best behavior when he throws a garden party on Schrute Farm and invites his parents and Robert California. Meanwhile, Dwight learns the tricks of the event trade from a rare book he found online.

Quote from Gabe

Gabe: I can not believe I didn't think of toasting Robert. Get in the game, Gabriel! Why are you talking to Stanley's mistress?


Quote from Angela

Angela: I would like to toast someone who isn't here, but who will be in just four short months. Welcome to the world, Philip Lipton!
Pam: I also would like to toast Philip Halpert, who is due even sooner. May he be a good namesake to my grandfather, who I promised as a child, long before tonight, that I would one day name my son after him. To Philip Halpert!
[aside to camera:]
Angela: She just always has to copy anything I do! It's the Ford Taurus situation all over again!

Quote from Jim

Dwight K. Schrute: Ladies and gentlemen! The last supper.
[earlier, to camera:]
Jim: Chapter 9: The tableau vivant is not only welcomed, but expected entertainment at any garden party.

Quote from Jim

Jim: I think I left my wallet in your house.
Dwight K. Schrute: Who cares?
Jim: Right here. [returning]
Dwight K. Schrute: Mr. James Halpert!
Jim: Keys, keys...
Dwight K. Schrute: Stop forgetting things.
Jim: [returning] I didn't forget them, they're right here.
Dwight K. Schrute: Mr. James Halpert!
Jim: I'm so sorry, I think I forgot that thing...
Dwight K. Schrute: What? Idiot.
Jim: Whoo. [ducking in]
Dwight K. Schrute: Mist- Mi- What are you doing?
Jim: Hey, I have a question. Who do you think is really the best salesman in this office?
Dwight K. Schrute: That's a stupid question, obviously... Mr. James Halpert!

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute: What's going on?
Pam: Somebody defaced the billboards we just put out in an inappropriate way.
Dwight K. Schrute: Oh, that's funny. Wait, from the photo shoot with you and me?
Andy: Yeah, Dwight.
Dwight K. Schrute: No. No. No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Andy: See you all there at 3 p.m., Connecticut Casual, remember your manners, and have a wonderful time.
Dwight K. Schrute: And please refer to the map. Stay off of the web. Thank you.

Quote from Angela

Angela: Is there anything you wish you had done differently to avoid cankles?
Pam: Nope.
Angela: I've already gone up another cup size. The senator is grossed out. When do you start feeling it kick?
Pam: Cece was around 22 weeks, but Philip was much earlier.
Angela: Philip?
Pam: Oh! Oh my gosh. Yes, but don't- Don't say anything, okay? It's after my grandfather.
Angela: Philip is the name that we're using. It's after my favorite cat.
Pam: [giggling] Oh, wow. Funny. It's after my grandfather.
Angela: It's after my cat.

Quote from Toby

Toby: Hey, where do I park?
Mose: I'm the valet. You have to give me your car.
Toby: Uh, you know what, I can go park it myself.
Mose: I'm the- I'm the valet. You have to give me your car.
Toby: It's probably okay-
Mose: Give me your car.
Toby: I think it's better that I-
Mose: Give me your car.
Toby: It's a finicky car.
Mose: Get out. You have a good time at the thing.
Toby: It's a little tricky. You might want to be careful not to- [Mose speeds away]

Quote from Andy

Andy: How's it going over here, guys?
Oscar: Andy, stop hovering, you're being really annoying.
Andy: Didn't mean to bother you, Mabel. Mabel, Mabel, if you're able, keep your elbows off the table.
Oscar: Wow.

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute: Mr. and Mrs. Walter and Ellen Bernard!

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