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Film, Friends and Fruit Pies

‘Film, Friends and Fruit Pies’

Season 7, Episode 14 - Aired February 10, 2016

Brick becomes a demanding director when he casts Cindy and Troy in a Knots Landing recreation for film class. When Sue and and her new roommate Lexie decorate their dorm room, Sue realizes they come from different financial backgrounds. Axl is stressed out when his boss, Jack Kershaw (Alan Ruck), befriends him and admits the company is in bad shape. Meanwhile, Frankie and Mike try to figure out which appliance a small piece of plastic came from.

Quote from Axl

Frankie: [v.o.] Everybody knows you're much cooler if you're running with a posse. Even Brick. Yep, things were going well for my kids. Brick had a group of friends...
Sue: We did it. They approved us. We're officially roommates!
Frankie: [v.o.] Sue finally got the roommate she'd been dreaming of, and Axl was proving himself invaluable at his first foray into the business world.
Jack Kershaw: What are you doing, intern?
Frankie: [v.o.] Okay, maybe not exactly invaluable.
Axl: Hole-punching quarterly reports to put them in your binder for you, sir. Mr. Kershaw. Sir.
Jack Kershaw: Ah. Taking initiative. Going the extra mile. Much better idea than using three-hole-punch paper!
Axl: Well, on the plus side, if we ever have a party, we've already got confetti. Yay.


Quote from Lexie

Sue: Oh, my god. What?! A flat-screen TV?!
Lexie: Awesome, right?
Sue: Yeah.
Lexie: And it was practically free. It was only $300. I had to get it.
Sue: Heh. How could you not?
Lexie: Right? So, your half is $150.
Sue: What?
Lexie: Yeah, $150 even.
Sue: Oh, sure. 'Cause that would be half of $300.
Lexie: Mm-hmm. I just put it on my Visa, so you can pay me back whenever. No rush... just whenever you go to the bank machine.

Quote from Axl

Axl: Oh, hey, Jack. Langdon from the art department sent down some new sketches for the fruit pie on-the-go packaging. Am I crazy, or do all the drawings of fruit pies look like him? So, where'd we leave off yesterday?
Jack Kershaw: I'm screwed, Heck.
Axl: What? No, come on. You're only down by two. You make a shot on one foot, you're up by five.
Jack Kershaw: No, I'm screwed. We all are.
Axl: But... I thought things were going great. You had that meeting yesterday where you said, "Things are going great."
Jack Kershaw: Oh, it's all a show, Heck. I can't tell the people out there the truth. They have mortgages and car payments. They don't need to know that our profits are in the crapper. But I know. I know, Heck. And now... so do you.

Quote from Lexie

Sue: $142...
Frankie: [v.o.] So, Sue scraped together her birthday money, her Spudsy money, and even participated in a psychological experiment to pay for her half of the TV.
Sue: ...and my lucky $2 bill my grandpa gave me when I was born... makes $150.
Lexie: Oh. Thank you. Oh. You have a electrode thingy...
Sue: Oh! Oh. Just covering a zit. You know, college... heh... stress.
Lexie: Oh! Wait! Don't move. I am scheduling us both facials right now. Oh, and check it out... I got us a popcorn popper. And these cute little containers that say "popcorn." They were only $20 each. You can pay me back whenever.
Sue: 'Kay.

Quote from Brick

Brick: Okay, now, in this scene, Cindy, you'll be playing Karen, an idealistic widow conflicted by a recent proposal from the hotheaded but dashing Mack. And, Troy, you're Teddy, Karen's old high-school flame, and you'll stop at nothing to get her back. And action!
Troy: Look how exciting tonight is. Don't you realize it could be like this all the time? Don't say yes to him.
Cindy: Teddy, please.
Troy: But don't say...
Brick: Cut. Cindy, you can't phone it in just because you're the director's girlfriend.
Cindy: Well, maybe soon, I won't be.
Brick: That's the sass I'm looking for. Now, let's inject some of that into your performance. And, Troy, I don't know what to say. I feel like I'm watching a scene between two eighth-graders who barely know each other. One more time on that last line. And action.

Quote from Frankie

Mike: How long we letting this go on? I want my couch back.
Frankie: Coffee pot?
Mike: Tried it.
Frankie: Mm. I don't know. I think this is good, Mike. He's engaged, he's excited about something. And look... Brick has a posse. We don't want to drive them away.
Brick: [o.s.] No! No, no!
Mike: Sounds like he might be driving them away on his own.
Frankie: Well, to be fair, Cindy wasn't exactly prepared. You have to be off book, Mike. You can't just show up and learn your lines during rehearsal.
Brick: [o.s.] We will stay in this scene until I see the magic I am looking for! And action!

Quote from Axl

Frankie: [v.o.] The only thing worse than having your friend become your boss is having your boss become your friend.
Jack Kershaw: Heck, I can't tell anybody this. Nobody knows but you. The apple shipment from Chile exceeded the legal pesticide limit. That means no apple pie till June.
Axl: You know, if it makes you feel any better, no one my age even eats fruit pies anymore. They're like something out of the '50s.
Jack Kershaw: And the truck drivers are threatening to strike again. "Oh, we can't drive 48 straight hours. We'll report you to the union." What am I gonna do? Shove a thousand Yodel-oos in the back of my Lexus and go door-to-door? Huh? Huh?!
[later, Axl is at his desk as Mr. Kershaw rants to him:]
Jack Kershaw: And now some kid in Missouri has found a toe in his ringdoodle. I mean, a finger, I could understand, but a toe? What are these people doing down there? Oh, look at this. Now my eye's twitching. Is this noticeable?
[later, Mr. Kershaw talks to a bathroom stall door:]
Jack Kershaw: People are depending on me. They're all depending on me. I can't breathe, I can't sleep. My hair's falling out in chunks. It's falling out.
[later, as Axl washes his face, he pulls out a chunk of his hair:]
Axl: Oh!

Quote from Sue

Sue: Listen, Lexie, I have something to tell you.
Lexie: Me first. Taylor Swift added another concert, and I called and managed to get two V.I.P. tickets. Are you in?
Sue: Oh, I'm in. I'm in deep.

Quote from Mike

Brick: Okay, I... I get it. I'll talk to them. But what am I gonna do now? The project's due tomorrow, and I don't have the final scene. [Brick and Frankie look at Mike]
Mike: No. No, no, no, no, no.
[cut to Frankie and Mike sitting in front of the fire place as Brick films them:]
Frankie: Oh, Mack, there's so many considerations... The kids...
Mike: Uh-huh.
Frankie: This is a big step for them.
Mike: Uh-huh.
Frankie: And I'm having your baby.
Mike: Who sits like this? Nobody sits like this.
Brick: Mack and Karen sit like that, okay? And you're not even saying your lines.
Mike: You should be happy I'm here.

Quote from Lexie

Lexie: Oh. Well, you know, I'm not exactly rich, either.
Sue: Oh, Lexie, believe me, you're rich.
Lexie: Is it because I have a horse? He's really old.
Sue: Okay. Look, Lexie... You're great and amazing, and I so, so, so, so, so want you to be my roommate. But, honestly, I can't afford it. I mean, if you want to find someone else who you can do stuff with, I totally get it.
Lexie: What? No! You're my roommate. God, I feel like such an idiot for putting you in this position. I didn't even think. Seriously, I will pay for everything. I have, like, three emergency credit cards.
Sue: That's really sweet, but I can't let you pay. You'll think I'm a sponge. It happened to my mom once, and she doesn't water-ski anymore.
Lexie: But I don't want to do fun stuff if you can't do fun stuff.
Sue: Don't worry about me. I'm used to not doing fun stuff. Years of practice. Ugh, but seriously, do you think you can find someone else to go to Taylor Swift with? I just can't afford V.I.P. tickets.

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