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You're Not Invited

‘You're Not Invited’

Season 1, Episode 20 -  Aired April 8, 2014

Adam is looking forward to his first laser tag birthday party, but his plans change when Barry suggests he throw a make-out party in the basement so he can have his first kiss with Dana. On the night of the party, Erica turns into a full-on smother when she uncovers what's happening the basement. Erica tries to get Beverly to crash the party, but for once Beverly is trying to keep out of Adam's business. Meanwhile, Pops and Murray are excited to watch the opening of Al Capone's vault on TV, but Murray's happiness fades when Adam doesn't show any appreciation after Murray finally gives him a great gift for his birthday.

Quote from Murray

Murray: Everybody knows I'm not good at birthdays, or getting gifts, or remembering events. It's my thing!


Quote from Murray

Pops: Well, you're missing out. I mean, did you see the look on Adam's face when I gave him that Puckman watch thing? Pure joy!
Murray: That's why we should say the watch is from both of us.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: What? I'm not cancelling Laser Tag. They wanted a $100 deposit until I yelled at the guy to wave it.

Quote from Barry

Barry: And that last slow-jam was dedicated to all you lovers in the crowd. You know who you are.
Chad: Why is he nodding at us?
Emmy: No idea. Stop nodding at us!

Quote from Barry

Barry: Next up is Twister. I hope you stretched, because it's about to get real bendy in here.

Quote from Adam

Beverly: I guess I could make a Ghostbusters cake.
Adam: Yeah, I'm also thinking no cake.
Beverly: No cake?
Adam: No cake.
Beverly: No cake?
Adam: No cake.
Beverly: If there's no cake, then I can't hug you and sing Happy Birthday.
Adam: Which works out well, because I'm mostly thinking no song, and no you.
Beverly: Then I wouldn't be there.
Adam: Uh-huh.
Beverly: I have to be there.
Adam: Look, starting with this birthday, everything changes. I'm like an adult now.
Beverly: But...
Adam: This is my special day. Please, mama?

Quote from Adam

Adam: Soft cheese?
Dana: Oh, wow. That's really stinky.
Adam: You know it.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: This is madness. I mean, what boy wants a basement party. There's no pin the tail on the donkey, no balloons, no cake. You know what, screw it. Give me the phonebook. I'm calling a [beep] clown.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: I know my son. He needs me down there. I can literally feel him call me to bring him this festive platter of bagel bites.

Quote from Erica

Erica: What the hell is happening here? It's like a love-dungeon in a serial killer's house.

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