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Two-Timing Goldbergs

‘Two-Timing Goldbergs’

Season 10, Episode 14 - Aired February 22, 2023

When Lainey comes to visit and finally meet Erica's daughter, Geoff has the sneaking suspicion Lainey and Barry are hooking up. Meanwhile, Beverly catches Adam's girlfriend Carmen on a date with another guy.

Quote from Beverly

Adam: I can't be casual, Mama!
Beverly: Don't worry, baby. Mama will protect you from the nuanced adult relationship. [hugs Adam]


Quote from Erica

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Erica and Geoff had caught Barry doing... something, and Erica was pretty worked up to nail down what it was.
Erica: I can't believe it. If Lainey is having an affair with Barry, why wouldn't she tell me?
Geoff: Isn't it more important that he's cheating on my sister?
Erica: Sure. She's not one of us, though.
Geoff: She's the aunt to your child.
Erica: Yeah, through marriage, I guess.

Quote from Erica

Erica: Hey there, [chuckles] best friend, no matter what other things have transpired in our lives. How are things going, huh? Oh, come on, let's get caught up. Spill our darkest secrets.
Lainey: I wish I had some dark secrets to spill. I feel like I've been so boring lately.
Erica: Look, I'd like to think that you'll always be the one person I can trust... who I can confess anything to.
Lainey: Aww, of course you can, Erica.
Erica: I'm so glad to hear that. [chuckles] I've been thinking about cheating on Geoff. You?
Lainey: What?
Erica: I think about being with another man constantly. Where I'd meet the guy, what hotel we'd go to... The Bay Breeze Inn off 276. It's close, but also out of the way.
Lainey: Um, I'm not sure how to respond.
Erica: The appropriate response would be to admit that you've had some similar feelings and/or participated in any infidelities of your own?
Lainey: Uh...
Erica: Because I think about cheating on Geoff all the time. [Geoff mouths "What?!" as he overhears] I imagine a strange man's hands in my hair, on my body, whispering in my ear. Do you judge me or do you kinda get it?

Quote from Erica

Geoff: What in the actual [bleep]?!
Erica: You wanted the truth, right? Well, we got it!
Geoff: The only truth I've found out is that my wife would be great at having an affair!
Erica: C'mon! Lainey and Steve broke up. She's been lonely. The pieces fit. I think you were right.
Geoff: Oh, poor Joanne. I've gotta tell her.
Erica: No, she will hate you forever. There's only one way to let her know... get her to stumble onto the crime herself.
Geoff: Oh, that's incredibly harsh.
Erica: It's the only way.
Geoff: Okay, just promise me you'll never go to that Bay Breeze Inn.
Erica: That filthy dump? [scoffs] Never.
Geoff: What?
Erica: Or anywhere else, obviously.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: And how are you supposed to do that? You're the master of the grand gesture. I can't tell you how many I've seen from afar and wished I was the girl in the window.
Adam: Yes! Your horrifying and possibly criminal revelation has given me an idea!
Beverly: You run away to the Dominican Republic and start fresh?
Adam: So far from that. But what if I did something bold to prove to her how chill I am?
Beverly: You mean like a classic Adam Goldberg grand gesture, but... of casualness?
Adam: Exactly.
Beverly: That is the most brilliant thing I've ever heard, and I'm certain I'm not being blinded by a mother's love and desperation for you to never feel rejection. Go to her.
Adam: I will! But, like, not in a rush.
Beverly: Also, I was sugarcoating it. It was a hard no from Essie.

Quote from Erica

Joanne: Ooh! What's going on? Geoff said you were having a fashion emergency, Erica?
Erica: There's no fashion emergency, Joanne.
Joanne: Sure, if you say it, then it's true.
Geoff: Look, you're here because we have something upsetting to show you.
Erica: We're sorry, but my brother's having an affair with Lainey.
Joanne: Puh-leeze. I'll believe that when I see it.
Geoff: Barry's in there right now with Lainey. We saw him go in.
Joanne: But he just told me he was going to the library to study.
Erica: That in itself should've been a big clue.

Quote from Barry

Adult Adam: [v.o.] So it turned out Barry wasn't having an affair with Lainey, but he did have a secret relationship with her dad, Bill, which left us with even more questions.
Barry: It all started the day of the Eagles-Cowboys game. We were both going to a bar 'cause we had no one to watch the game with. So Bill suggested we go back to his house so we can enjoy it together.
Bill Lewis: And to our surprise, we had a magical day together. We both thought it was a one-time thing, but, dammit, we could not get enough of each other.
Barry: It just felt too good.
Bill Lewis: So good.
Barry: After a while, we'd watch any random sport as an excuse to spend time together... handball, badminton, water polo.
Bill Lewis: We even watched Olympic women's Ping-Pong. It was like a drug.
Barry: We started to build up our own private jokes, traditions, and superstitions...
Joanne: So that's what we just saw?
Bill Lewis: I know we're caught, but I'd do it all again a million times over.
Barry: Me too.

Quote from Barry

Geoff: Why'd you hide it?
Barry: Truthfully, we knew it wouldn't last. I mean, we have nothing in common.
Bill Lewis: No.
Erica: Maybe you have more in common than you think. You're both missing someone in your lives you used to share sports with.
Barry: Dad.
Bill Lewis: Mur-man.
Erica: And in some twisted way, this is how you're dealing with it.
Barry: Dad and I used to share the lows and extra lows of Philadelphia sports together.
Bill Lewis: [sighs] Mur and I could sit together for hours and not say a thing, unless my Cowboys were playing his Eagles. Then he would insult my family, my honor, my body shape. I loved it so much.
Barry: I guess it's over now.

Quote from Geoff

Adult Adam: [v.o.] It was February 22nd, 1980-something, and Erica was preparing to introduce the newest member of the Goldbergs to the one person who hadn't met her...
Erica's best friend, Lainey Lewis.
Erica: Okay, I need to get this right. With the hat or without the hat?
Geoff: I think you're putting too much emphasis on appearances, Erica.
Erica: It's just been a while since Lainey's come back from LA. I want our baby to make a good impression.
Geoff: Get the tiny sunglasses.
Joanne: It's true, she's a fox. Good luck, boys in 15 years.
Geoff: 25 years! Or whenever. I'm a chill dad.

Quote from Bill Lewis

[Lainey and Erica squeal and laugh]
Lainey: It's so great to see you!
Erica: Oh, you, too!
Bill Lewis: What a fun, screechy reunion. I was not met with that level of enthusiasm when I scooped her at the airport in the dead center of the work day. [chuckles]
Lainey: Yeah, Dad's here, too.

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