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The Day After the Day After

‘The Day After the Day After’

Season 4, Episode 22 - Aired May 3, 2017

When Adam is invited to spend the weekend with Jackie at the beach and Erica is accepted to college in Georgia, they both try to manipulate Beverly on Mother's Day. Meanwhile, Barry is freaked out by the apocalyptic movie "The Day After".

Quote from Erica

Erica: Mom! I got into Emory, and I wanna go to Emory, so I need a check for Emory so I can go to Emory. And Happy Mother's Day. I love you, snuggle, snuggle!


Quote from Lainey

Barry: Fellow members of the JTP.
Geoff, Andy, Rob & Matt: JTP!
Barry: And the love of my life, Lainey.
Geoff, Andy, Rob & Matt: Lainey!
Lainey: Don't do that.
Geoff, Andy, Rob & Matt: Sorry!

Quote from Murray

Murray: Well, I'm glad you're all here, 'cause I have something very important to tell you. Get out!

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: (crying) Oh, my God! What have I done? I told my baby girl she could move away from the family, and now I'll never see her or the twins because of that damn desk job at the school.

Quote from Pops

Barry: What are we gonna do? I got kicked out of Dad's pretend bunker, which I pretended first.
Pops: That's it. We'll build our own bunker in the basement.
Barry: Dad will never allow that.
Pops: Then, you just gotta convince him.
Barry: To the chalkboard!
Pops: To the chalkboard!
Barry: Oh, it's here.
Pops: There it is.

Quote from Beverly

Erica: Emory is gonna be so awesome. Check out the brochure.
They have an incredible music program, and a brand-new recording studio that's open to undergrads.
Beverly: Or, funner idea, you stick around here and attend the local junior college/welding academy.

Quote from Erica

Erica: Aww, that's sweet. You're gonna miss me. But too bad the check's in the mail and that ship has sailed.
Beverly: Here's the thing about that check.
Erica: What is my college deposit doing back in this house?!
Beverly: It's a funny story, really.
Erica: There is zero chance that this story will amuse and delight me. Zero!

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Well, (chuckles) it was in the mail, but I thought (clicks tongue) "I don't want it in the mail," so I took it out of the mail.
Erica: Why? Why? Why? Why?
Beverly: A certain unnamed schmoopie showed me a video and made me realize that going to Georgia is a bad decision for us. Me.

Quote from Beverly

Erica: I wrote a Mother's Day song that celebrates my love for you. Just, please, listen. (playing piano and singing) For she's a jolly good mother For she's a jolly good mother For she's a jolly good mother Please let me go to college far away
Beverly: No.
Erica: That no mother can-
Beverly: Denied.

Quote from Adam

Erica: You ruined my life!
Adam: Erica, how are things, dear sister?
Jackie: What's going on?
Erica: Well, your little beach bud made it so that I can't go to the college of my dreams just so he can suck face with you in the sand.
Adam: Her words! But I wouldn't be opposed to it.

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