Season 3, Episode 7 - Aired November 11, 2015
Barry begs Murray to get a dog, and when they finally do, Barry is disappointed to find the dog would rather spend more time with Murray than with him. Meanwhile, Erica and Lainey plan a girls-only sleepover… without Beverly. But when Erica finds out she wants to join them, it puts a rift in their mother-daughter relationship.
Quote from Erica
Beverly: Please let me be your Shelley Long. We'll call it Troupe Beverly just like in the old days.
Erica: That's when we were too young to know how unbearably annoying you were.
Beverly: No offense taken.
Quote from Pops
Pops: Look, that one's falling asleep while standing up. I've done that.
Quote from Barry
Barry: Dad! You won't believe it. I'm alive. I'm actually alive.
Murray: Ask your mother.
Quote from Murray
Barry: Do you realize you've denied me the sidekick I've always longed for?
Murray: I'm okay with that.
Quote from Murray
Murray: Look, I've got enough ungrateful kids around here to take care of. The last thing I need is an ungrateful animal to take care of.
Quote from Barry
Barry: Yes! Now I'm not the only one in the house who has to take his pill in cheese.
Quote from Barry
Barry: Wait, you got a dog without me? It better be a grizzly-poodle. Seriously, if it's not a grizzoodle, I don't want it.
Quote from Beverly
Beverly: Oh, Erica, come meet Lucky. It's a perfect name because she's so lucky to live with a family that's so loving and forgiving.
Quote from Murray
Barry: What the hell is Lucky wearing? Did you make my dog an Eagles jersey?
Murray: Sure did.
Barry: You put effort into something?
Murray: Can you believe it?