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Jedi Master Adam Skywalker

‘Jedi Master Adam Skywalker’

Season 4, Episode 23 -  Aired May 10, 2017

For once, Adam has leverage over Barry and Erica when they find out his girlfriend is in charge of the school yearbook. Meanwhile, Murray is annoyed when Marvin visits and needs bailing out again.

Quote from Beverly

Marvin: You know all that stuff I was saying about the Mogwais? It's not real. It's from this movie, "Gremlins." It's made by Steven Spielberg. It's got all these little Muppets in it. It's surprisingly scary.
Beverly: Everybody knows the movie.
Marvin: Starring Phoebe Cates, woof, is she my type.
Beverly: Please, let me help you.
Marvin: Okay, here's the deal. I gambled away a lot of money in Atlantic City playing keno.
Beverly: Keno? What are you, 75 years old? Nobody plays that!
Marvin: That's why I thought I had an edge! Damn it.


Quote from Murray

Pops: Well, I'm still a partner, and I can hire and fire whoever I want. Marvin, you're hired.
Murray: Yes! And I can do this, you're fired.
Marvin: No!
Pops: You're hired again.
Marvin: Boom!
Murray: You're fired.
Marvin: Frickin' Reaganomics!

Quote from Pops

Beverly: You're hired back.
Marvin: I promise I won't let you down this time, boss. I'm gonna give it my all.
Murray: You're fired.
Marvin: [bleep]
Pops: You're hired again.
Marvin: Yes!
Murray: You're fired.
Marvin: No!
Beverly: And you're hired again, end of story.
Pops: Well, that was a roller-coaster ride. Glad it worked out.

Quote from Barry

Adam: What do you want?
Barry: I need you to change the yearbook so I get Most Handsome or Most Likely To Jump A BMX Over The Grand Canyon.

Quote from Adam

Adam: Barry, do me a favor and scratch this for me? My finger grows weary.
Barry: Never!
Adam: Suit yourself, Most Likely To Never Dunk On A Regulation Basket.

Quote from Geoff

Lainey: Son of a bitch! It's Anthony Balsamo and Lexy Bloom!
Geoff: They gave it to the head cheerleader and our handsome quarterback!? What kind of backwards school do we go to?!

Quote from Erica

Erica: Screw that. I'm changing Cutest Couple to me and whatshisface.
Geoff: It's a weird time to forget my name, but do it for us, baby.

Quote from Adam

Adam: Are you kidding me!?
Barry: (gasps) It's Jedi Master Adam!
Adam: How dare you use ALF's good name to distract me!? ALF is sacred!
Lainey: He eats cats, dude.
Adam: Cats are the chicken of Melmac!

Quote from Erica

Erica: So, now that we're starting fresh, may I suggest Geoff and Erica for cutest couple? Too soon?

Quote from Barry

Barry: Don't worry, Dana. I've literally memorized the entire school year. All I got to do is re-create the yearbook using my brain snapshots.
Lainey: You mean your memories?
Barry: Accessing first day of school. (inhales deeply) It was late September, Wednesday. It was snowing hard, and the Eagles were in the Super Bowl.
Adam: None of that's right.
Barry: Geoff Schwartz was there, and he said something funny. And we were like, "Good one, bro."
Geoff: That does sound like me.

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