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Adam Graduates!

‘Adam Graduates!’

Season 9, Episode 22 - Aired May 18, 2022

Adam is finally ready to graduate high school but he worries Beverly is about to fall to pieces. Meanwhile, Erica gets an incredible opportunity to return to her dream of being a musician.

Quote from Geoff

Joanne: Huge news!
Erica: You have a key to our apartment?
Joanne: I had one made so I have a place to shower in this neighborhood. But I'm gonna be a pop star!
Erica: Seems unlikely, but I'll go for a ride.
Joanne: Cyndi Lauper has a show at the Spectrum, and one of her backup singers left the tour to take care of her dad, who got trapped in a grain silo and developed something called "wheat brain."
Geoff: Uh-oh, not wheat brain!
Joanne: It may not be that, but the point is, Cyndi's holding auditions for a one-night replacement. It's all over the radio at my therapist's office.


Quote from Geoff

Geoff: Please, do it for me. You know how much I used to love watching you perform.
Erica: I guess it'd be fun to just audition.
Geoff: Fun... the thing that girls just want to have, per Cyndi.
Joanne: Fine, you may have the looks and the incredible voice and a stage presence that draws the eyes, but you don't got what I got.
Geoff: Is it the address? I can just turn on the radio.
Joanne: Oh, damn it.

Quote from Geoff

Erica: Uh, do I have to decide right now?
Delia Thornton: No, no, take your time. I'll just tell Cyndi you're on the fence about traveling the world with her.
Geoff: Wait, no, she's doing it.
Erica: Geoff, are you serious?
Geoff: This has always been your dream. Until it wasn't your dream for a little while, but then it became your dream again, and you gotta follow that dream to Europe, home of all the great wars.
Delia Thornton: Fun guy you got there. So, I'm gonna pencil you in as yes?
Erica: I guess this is happening. [chuckles] It's really happening.
Geoff: Yeah, it is!

Quote from Erica

Erica: Geoff, just stop!
Geoff: Stop what?
Erica: You always do this! You're always such a supportive and loving husband who puts my needs first!
Geoff: I don't mean to!
Erica: Of course you never mean to. You just are. And I'm sick of it! You're always like "you, you, you, Erica," but what about your needs, damn it?
Geoff: Well, my only need is for you to be happy.
Erica: How dare you? What about your happiness, mister? Have you ever considered yourself for one single, solitary second?
Geoff: No.
Erica: Of course you haven't, you unselfish jerk.

Quote from Erica

Geoff: I thought I was doing what you wanted.
Erica: You are... always, and I've had enough.
Geoff: I'm sorry, I guess?
Erica: Well, you shouldn't be. Every time you open your mouth, something nice spills out and you make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
Geoff: I can do better.
Erica: You can't, you sweet son of a bitch. You're literally perfect.
Geoff: I don't have to be. I can change. I can be the bad man you want.
Erica: You say that, but you don't mean it.
Geoff: Just let me try.

Quote from Erica

Erica: For once in your life, stop being so damn loving and tell me what you want.
Geoff: ...I don't want you to go to Europe with Cyndi Lauper.
Erica: And there it is! But guess what? I don't want to go either.
Geoff: I'm so lost. So, wh-what's gonna happen?
Erica: I'll tell you what's gonna happen. I'm gonna stay right here with my amazing husband.
Geoff: You are? But what about your dream?
Erica: Geoff, you're my dream. You.
Geoff: My God, I love you so much.
Erica: I love you, too.

Quote from Barry

Adam: Barry, where's Mom?
Barry: She's not up there with you?
Adam: Why would Mom be with me?
Barry: I don't know. To make you sit in her lap one last time? What you two have is weird.
Pop-Pop: What's weird is that I'm here, and too early, if I may add. And spare me some speeches some kid makes that life is too short. Not short enough, if you ask me.
Barry: Fine. Keep an eye on our uplifting grandfather. I'll go find Mom.

Quote from Barry

Adult Adam: [v.o.] And so, my brother hit the streets with one mission... get Beverly Goldberg to graduation.
Barry: [tires squeal] Where the hell is my mom?!
Virginia Kremp: [panting] She was so fast.
Erica: [panting] Like a racehorse, you know?
Virginia Kremp: We couldn't keep up.
Barry: Which way?
Essie Karp: There's no way to tell. I blinked and she was beyond the horizon.
Virginia Kremp: She has another gear, man. Like, so explosive through her thighs and glutes. Now, please, take me to my son's graduation!
Barry: Sorry, no time! [tires squeal]

Quote from Erica

Geoff: There you are. Where've you been?
Erica: Oh, um, I was still nauseous, so I just popped in to see the doctor.
Geoff: Is everything all right?
Erica: Actually, yeah. Better than all right.

Quote from Mr. Glascott

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Yeah, I couldn't have done any of it without her or my dad. And standing up there, I thought about all the people who got me to this day... the friends, the teachers...
Mr. Glascott: And another page turns. Way to go, young people! [cheers and applause]

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