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My Wife

‘My Wife’

Season 6, Episode 23 - Aired May 16, 2004

Eric is surprised when Donna rents a mobile home so they can stay in Point Place after they're married. Donna begins to have second thoughts when she runs into Casey Kelso (Luke Wilson) on her bachelorette night.

Quote from Jackie

Jackie: Hey, Steven, I took out all the $1 bills from your wallet, so now you have nothing to tip the strippers with.
Hyde: All I have left is this $20? Jeez, I'll never be able to get change for this.


Quote from Donna

Donna: Okay, Eric, I talked to my boss down at the radio station, and I told him we were staying in town, and I said that if he wanted to keep me, he would have to put me on the air full-time, and he went for it. "Hot Donna" every day on WFPP.
Eric: Oh, Donna, that's amazing. All you had to do is ask?
Donna: Oh, and I tied my shirt up in one of those sexy knots.
Hyde: Yeah, Jackie does that. We have never paid to get into Six Flags.
Eric: Wait. But, Donna, if you take this job, how are you gonna...
Donna: Why are you waving a mug at me?
Eric: I'm sorry. How are you gonna find time for college?
Donna: I don't know. I'll just stop going. Eric, I'm a deejay. I already have the kind of job I was going to college to get.

Quote from Kitty

Donna: Wow, Mrs. Forman, you can really whip up a party in no time.
Kitty: And we have activities. [laughs] Okay, now watch. You tie the ribbon in a bow, and voila, decorative bags of almonds. We'll make 300 to pass out at the wedding.
Jackie: Wait, this is Donna's bachelorette party? What other manual labor are we gonna do? Huh, scrub a toilet, dig a trench, write a book?
Kitty: Well, if we don't do this, who will?

Quote from Bob

Bob: I can't believe you invited me over and you don't have any dip.

Quote from Fez

Fez: How did I not know about this place? I spent my whole life trying to get girls to take their clothes off, and all I needed was $10.

Quote from Eric

Eric: Look, all I know is if I let Donna stay in Point Place, she's gonna miss out on all those great things she wanted to do, and it'll be all my fault.
Hyde: Forman, would you quit whining? Donna's gonna marry you. From where I'm sitting, what's on your plate looks pretty good. You don't cut open the sausage, Forman. You just eat it.
Eric: Well, I wish it were that easy, Hyde, but it's a complex emotional issue.
Kelso: Hey, Phil Donahue, live nudes.

Quote from Eric

Eric: It's just, Donna's giving up everything she ever wanted. I can't help but feel like I'm holding her back, you know?
Stripper: Okay, just so you know, I make most my money on tips.
Eric: I'm sorry. Here, you-y-y... You should probably just take this.
Stripper: Thanks.

Quote from Fez

Hyde: Forman, would you quit depressing the strippers? When you depress the strippers, they go like this. [folds arms]
Kelso: Yeah, this isn't some hole in the wall where hopeless losers blow their money on people who don't care about their problems. This is a strip joint.
Fez: Yes, it is, Eric. You're ruining the romance. You, dance for my money!

Quote from Donna

Donna: So working at a strip club.
Casey: Yeah. I finally found a way to cash in on my good looks without having to humiliate myself.
Donna: No, you're not humiliating yourself. I mean, you're not the naked guy. You're the guy who introduces the naked guy.
Casey: Yeah. So I'm surprised to see you're still in town. You know, you'd always talked about getting outta here. I always thought you'd be someplace more glamorous by now, like Paris or Reno.
Donna: Well, I've got Eric and my job and a great place to live in and/or pull behind a car. I mean, it's not what I expected, but it's definitely the right thing to do.
Donna: [slurs] You know, that trailer is tiny, and I need room to roam. [sings] Born free As free as the something free [talks] You know, this town is so small, I don't even know what free is.
Casey: Yeah. Look, listen, I've been other places, and it's not that great. I mean, since I came back here, I've got it made... Free drinks, I can borrow any of these freaky costumes when I want. And... Plus, you know, it's showbiz.
Donna: Yeah. So you're happy here.
Casey: Yeah, and you will be, too. And don't worry, you know, by the time you have a few kids, you'll probably be living in a much bigger trailer.

Quote from Eric

[Eric's dream sequence:]
Eric: Donna, happy fifth anniversary! Hey, I want you to put on your best dress, because there's another sequel to Star Wars. And Mr. and Mrs. Eric Forman are gonna be first in line. What's going on?
Donna: I'm leaving you, Eric.
Eric: What? We could see the new Jane Fonda movie instead.
Donna: Eric, I'm miserable. How can you let me settle for this?
Eric: But you said this is what you wanted.
Donna: Well, I was wrong. I guess I was just trying to make you happy, and I forgot about myself. I mean, I wanted to see the world, not the inside of a trailer.
Eric: But, Donna, I love you.
Donna: I love you, too, but it's not enough. Goodbye, Eric.

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