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Cat Fight Club

‘Cat Fight Club’

Season 2, Episode 25 - Aired May 15, 2000

Red finds out about Laurie and Kelso's relationship after she invites him to the dinner. Meanwhile, Hyde teaches Jackie how to keep her cool around Laurie.

Quote from Jackie

Donna: Hey, guys. So, Jackie, Eric won't invite me to dinner tonight. So, do you want to, like, go to the mall or something?
Jackie: That's cool.
Donna: Wait. What do you mean?
Jackie: [gasps] Oh, my God, it worked. I mean... whatever.


Quote from Eric

Kelso: Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late.
Red: What? What?
Kelso: You guys started eatin' without me? That is so rude! I'm just kiddin'! [laughs]
Kitty: [laughs] Well, Eric, you must've forgotten to mention that you invited Michael to dinner tonight.
Eric: Oh, right. Uh... Yeah, I guess I did. Oh, and there are my chocolates. The chocolates that I asked you to bring over to me. Ooh, Fanny Farmer. [mouths] My favorite.
Kelso: No, no. Those are for Laurie.
Red: Kelso, what the hell are you doing here?
Eric: Dad! Uh... nougat?

Quote from Hyde

Kelso: Don't worry, Red. I got somethin' for you, too. Ah...
Red: Five beers?
Kelso: Uh, yeah. They were all out of six-packs. Weird, huh?
Hyde: Let me help you out with that there, Red.
Red: Are you takin' a beer?
Hyde: Hey, focus, man! He's dating your daughter!

Quote from Kitty

Red: Kitty, I don't want our daughter dating that kettle-head.
Kitty: Well, maybe it's just a phase.
Red: No. He's been a kettle-head since...
Kitty: No. No. I meant Laurie.
Red: This is how it starts, you know. First they're dating and having fun. And then the next thing you know, they're prying the money to pay for a wedding from my cold, dead hands.
Kitty: Oh, honey, they're not gonna get married. He'll leave her when she gets pregnant. [laughs] Oh, okay. I see Mr. Smiley isn't in town today.

Quote from Red

Red: I expected more from her. What the hell is she doing with some high-school kid? She went to college!
Kitty: Well, she did flunk out.
Red: Oh, Kitty... I can see how their future is gonna turn out... and it's not good.
[fantasy - The Future, 1997:]
Fez: More mashed potatoes, Red?
Red: Why, thank you, Servotron 2000. Oh, that's cold. Damn foreign robots.
Laurie: Oh, it's so nice to have dinner with the family like this.
Kelso: Yeah. It's a good thing we found a baby-sitting droid for the quintuplets.
Kitty: So, Michael, how's the job hunt going?
Kelso: Great! They had a real short line at the unemployment office, so I got home in time to catch the end of The Space Price is Right.
Laurie: You know, times are tough for me and Kelso right now. You'll help us, won't you, Daddy?
Red: I'll always be there for you, honey.
Kelso: I think she means financially, Red.
Red: I know what she means... kettle-head.
Kelso: You're giving us more money... right, dude?
Red: Yes, damn it!
Kelso: All right. All right. Hey, Laurie, I think it's time for our "nap".
Red: All right! That's it! I've gotta go to Saturn on business for a week. Now, when I get back, you better have a job, or it's off to the asteroid mines for you!
Fez: Don't forget your briefcase, Red.
Red: Thank you, Servotron 2000. Now, roll back the roof, 'cause I gotta go. Jet pack, blast off!
Kitty: Red. Red.
Red: [clears throat] That's it. I'm just gonna tell her that she can't see him anymore.
Kitty: Nope, nope. You can't do that, Red. In fact, the more we fight it, the more she's gonna want to be with... kettle-head.
Red: At this rate, I'm gonna have a heart attack before I even get my jet pack.

Quote from Red

Red: Have a seat, Kelso. You know, I've been thinking a lot about your relationship with my only daughter.
Kelso: She's a gem.
Red: [picks up pliers] Shut up. Kitty says that if the two of you want to see each other, there's nothing I can do about it. But she's wrong... 'Cause I could kill you. That's a joke, Kelso. You should laugh when I make a joke.
Kelso: [chuckles] Hey, good one, Red.
Red: See, you're making me think that I should take a personal interest in you, and you don't want that. Take Eric, for example. I have a personal interest in him.
Kelso: Oh, God.
Red: There you go. What you want to do here is fly under my radar so that if I never see you and Laurie together or hear your name mentioned in the same breath, I might just forget that you even exist. Got it?
Kelso: Yeah... Okay, so you mean if me and Laurie...
Red: Oh, now, see, you just mentioned my daughter's name.
Kelso: I'm sorry. Okay. Um... If Kelso and your daughter...
Red: No, no, no. See, now, that's, uh... That's not gonna work, either.
Kelso: Well, this is hard, Red!
Red: Yeah. Well, you're gonna be here 'til you get it right, Kelso.
Kelso: Okay, Red, but eventually my parents are gonna come lookin' for me.
Red: Yeah, but they're not gonna find you. Oh, that's another joke. Come on, laugh, Kelso!

Quote from Donna

Donna: I can't believe Laurie bit me. I hope she didn't give me, like, slut rabies.

Quote from Red

Red: Laurie. What's going on?
Laurie: He's my boyfriend, Daddy! And he loves me, and... he's good to me, and we're... happy together.
Red: Kelso, you have five seconds to get as far away from me as possible!
Kelso: But, Red, what about our unspoken bond?
Red: One! Two!
Kelso: I'll call you. [exits]
Hyde: [beer can opening] Beer, Red?

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: You know, I missed you guys. Yeah. This place just isn't the same when I'm not around.
Eric: [enters] Oh, hey. You guys want to hear a really funny story? I was just upstairs, and Red was yelling at me about you. And, uh, then I said, "What are you doing yelling at me? Kelso's right downstairs. In fact, I'll go get him for you," I said.
Hyde: Say, that is a funny story.
Kelso: I don't care. I'll talk to Red. He was really mean to me, and here I brought him a five-pack. So I hope he's ready to apologize.
Eric: [laughs] Oh, yeah!
Hyde: Yeah, that's it. If there's one thing Red's about, it's forgiveness.
Fez: No, he's not. He's the opposite of that. Oh, wait. I get you. Funny.

Quote from Laurie

Laurie: Oh, you again. What happened? Did they let out kindergarten early today?
Jackie: Whatever.
Laurie: Jackie, don't you have a lame comeback saved for just this very occasion?
Jackie: That's cool.
Laurie: Oh, so now you're Little Miss Cool, huh?
Jackie: Whatever.
Laurie: Well, if you're really as cool as you think you are, you would've been able to hold on to your one true love. But you couldn't, could you? Loser! Oh, well.
[Jackie lunges at Laurie]
Fez: Catfight!

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