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Zephra Cares

‘Zephra Cares’

Season 5, Episode 17 - Aired February 27, 2020

As Amy organizes a community service event for women in need, a reporter from the company magazine visits the store. Meanwhile, Sandra is uncomfortable with the way Jonah is soliciting donations.

Quote from Jeff

Jeff: It's called revenge, Amy. I did what I had to do.
Glenn: What, you did... You did? Are you sure?
Amy: How is stealing packages from poor people "what you had to do?"
Jeff: What? No, I didn't take any packages. I just... I farted in your office.
Amy: Ew. What?


Quote from Dina

Dina: [to Jeff] If you ever fart in my best friend's office again, it will be the last fart you ever fart.

Quote from Jonah

Judy: I got you this. This is a map of the night stars over St. Louis where we met.
Jonah: That's... Ah, wow, that is so... useful to anyone in St. Louis, really.
Judy: I just... I just... Oh, you just make me feel so electric since you started flirting with me.
Jonah: I mean, that... that is just... [Judy giggles] No, no, no, no. Sorry. I'm so sorry, Judy. I just... this... I think there was a misunderstanding.
Judy: Oh.
Jonah: I was only being friendly. I was definitely not flirting. I- I- I guess I felt that that was understood because we're... obviously! I mean, not obvious, 'cause you know, you're gorgeous, really, for your cohort.
Sandra: He was just doing it for charity. So you'd round up.
Judy: Oh, oh... Oh, you did this... you did this to me for 57 cents? Oh, I feel so stupid.
Jonah: No.
Judy: Oh, my God, is this what catfishing is?
Jonah: No, no, no, no, it's not.
Sandra: Catfishing is...
Jonah: No, not the time.

Quote from Garrett

Glenn: Fine! I gave them to the staff.
Amy: Why? Glenn, what were you thinking?
Glenn: Our people are struggling, Amy.
Amy: Okay, you know what? Just... You're gonna have to get the packages back.
Garrett: Oh. Well, you almost pulled off a Robin Hood, except you gave to the poor by stealing from the really poor.
Dina: He's picturing the fox Robin Hood.
Garrett: I'm picturing the man one.

Quote from Sandra

Sandra: Jerry. You didn't have to come. I told you to forget about it.
Jerry: I did, but then I remembered again.
Jonah: Hey, Jerry.
Jerry: Sandra told me you tried to make her do stuff with men for money.
Jonah: What... Oh, oh. Earlier today? No, that was... That was just talking.
Jerry: Let me make myself perfectly clear. I don't like that.
Sandra: Jerry, please calm down. I've never seen him this angry.
Jerry: If you ever mess with my marriage again, I will hate it.
Jonah: Got it. Understood.
Jerry: Sandra, could you bring home some magazines? Bye, Jonah.
Sandra: Bye, Jer. Take notes, Jonah. That's marriage material. And yes, he reads magazines.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Ooh, I didn't know we carried aged balsamic. Nice.
Judy: Oh, yeah, it's great. I make a reduction and I drizzle it over vanilla ice cream.
Jonah: Ah, that sounds amazing! Are you, like, a culinary student, or...
Judy: Oh. [chuckles] Haven't been a student of anything for a couple decades.
Jonah: Ah, you could've fooled me. [both chuckle]
Sandra: [laughs] Your total is $36.48. Would you like to round up to $37 today for Holloway House Women's Shelter?
Judy: Oh, yeah, sure.
Jonah: Thank you so much. It's for a great cause. All right. Thank you.

Quote from Mateo

Jeff: Look, Mateo, when I put my career on the line for you, it was because it was the right thing to do. You don't owe me anything. Although brunch wouldn't kill you.
Mateo: Look, Jeff, it's not gonna happen. I'm actually seeing someone.
Jeff: Oh. Oh, yeah? Mateo, that's amazing!
Mateo: Thank you. That's very nice of you.
Jeff: I'm very happy for you. How'd you guys meet, or I mean, have you met yet or is it maybe, like, an online thing?
Mateo: Actually, Amy introduced us. He's her brother.
Jeff: Oh, Amy did? That's so nice of her.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Sandra, you have to stop. I know you and Jerry don't, like, talk to a lot of people, but this is just meaningless banter.
Judy: 'Scuse me. 'Scuse me. Hi. Jonah.
Jonah: Oh, hey, yeah. You were here before.
Justine: Yeah, Judy, yeah. Culinary student. [both chuckle]
Jonah: Yeah, right.
Judy: Yeah, I don't usually do this, and maybe I'm crazy, but I feel like we had a... connection.
Jonah: Ah.
Judy: And I just... I'm just wondering, would you like to have coffee sometime?
Jonah: You know what? I did enjoy our... our friendly conversation. Mm-hmm. So why not?
Judy: Oh, good.

Quote from Amy

Amy: And Eddie in bakery does this drag show, so I usually just give him our extra packing material for hip and boob pads.
Isabel: I love that.
Amy: Yeah, I mean, you know, it's just like this event today. All you have to do is show you care. I really think that's a big reason why I've been able to earn my employees' respect.
Dina: Rodriguez. Over here. Now.
Amy: She calls me... I've never known... It's not racist, I don't think.

Quote from Dina

Dina: How's the interview going?
Amy: Honestly, really great, and I know that sounds braggy, but bragging is really working for me right now. I think I've won her over.
Dina: Oh, that is awesome. That means it probably won't even matter when this whole thing goes to [bleep].
Amy: What?
Dina: We're short on care packages. There won't be enough once the next bus arrives. I probably should've led with that, but you just kept talking and talking about how great you're doing. Anyway, guess these needy women are gonna stay needy.

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