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Steps Challenge

‘Steps Challenge’

Season 4, Episode 11 - Aired March 14, 2019

Amy, Jonah and Dina try to motivate the employees when Corporate introduces the Cloud 9 "step challenge".

Quote from Dina

Dina: Hey, is anyone else tired of being humiliated by a bunch of idiots that don't even understand basic contractions?
All: Yeah.


Quote from Mateo

Mateo: Whew! Hey! [panting] Sorry I'm late. I walked to work. There is really no easy way to cross a highway but I logged 8,000 steps.
Amy: Yes! [they high five]
Mateo: I'm going to do some laps around the perimeter.
Amy: Go, Mateo!
Mateo: Here we go!
Amy: What? He's getting in shape. It's good for him.
Dina: And really, this early there's barely any cars on the highway.

Quote from Dina

Dina: [on phone] Elias, there is definitely a cart out there. Probably just rolled farther than I thought. Mateo, have you taken your lunch break, yet?
Mateo: No time!
Dina: Look, just try walking faster. It's probably outpacing you.

Quote from Garrett

Man: Hey there. Can I return an item purchased at another store?
Garrett: Yeah, sure, that's not a problem.
Man: Great, I got it in Bel-Ridge.
Marcus: Are you kidding me?
Man: No. [chuckles]
Marcus: [fake laugh] A frickin' Bel-Ridge lover wants us to take their garbage? No, sir.
Sayid: Look, He's laughing at us.
Man: I'm not laughing.
Garrett: I think he's just, like, a smiley guy.

Quote from Sayid

Marcus: Hey, you know what? If you love Bel-Ridge so much-
Sayid: Then you should marry it.
Marcus: No, dude, I was going to say then you should just go back there. Sick burn, though. You're getting really good. Just don't interrupt me.

Quote from Amy

Mateo: We should burn down their entire store and blame it on homeless people.
All: Yeah!
Amy: Guys, it wasn't Bel-Ridge! It was- It was me.
Marcus: What?
Amy: I am the one who posted those messages on the board and vandalized the front of the store. [disapproving chatter]
Glenn: Why would you do that?
Amy: I wanted to win.
Dina: Amy, Amy, Amy. This is wildly disappointing.
Amy: Dina helped! [all gasp]
Dina: Oh, you're going to believe the admitted liar? Come on.

Quote from Amy

Isaac: Wait a minute. So you made me take deer urine all the way down to their store, heat it up in their microwave and then dump it all over an innocent couch?
Marcus: How do you even think of this stuff?
Sayid: You're sick, Amy!
Amy: No, I didn't that wasn't-
Sandra: You turned us into monsters!

Quote from Garrett

Glenn: Okay, tell me how this sounds. "Dear Doug, I am so sorry"
Garrett: Whoa! You're going to go there after the whole deer urine thing? You might as well just say, "Deer Urine Doug."
Glenn: Okay, no "Dear." Um, how about, "My"
Garrett: Beloved.
Glenn: "Beloved Doug." Yeah.
Garrett: Much better.

Quote from Dina

Dina: Oh, boy. People are mad at you.
Amy: Well, thanks for having my back, Dins.
Dina: Hey, you spearheaded this thing. Captain goes down with the ship.
Jonah: Oh, come on. You know what? Nobody's even thinking about it. [Brett gives the finger as he walks past Amy] That could be about anything.

Quote from Glenn

Amy: Or we could just turn the other cheek, right, Glenn?
Glenn: What, so they can slap the other cheek? No, Amy, you don't back down from a bully.
Dina: I got to agree. If we don't hit them back they're going to think they can walk all over us.
Marcus: I say we all go over there and destroy their break room.
All: Yeah.
Sayid: Let's destroy their whole store! [affirmative chatter]
Jonah: I think we just got to go with the mob on this one.
Amy: All right, screw Bel-Ridge! Let's go get those dicks!
All: Yeah!
Jonah: Let's escalate this thing and assume they'll let it go after that!
Glenn: Yeah, let's escalate.
Dina: So should we drive separately or maybe carpool?
Garrett: I can drive people there but I got to go home right after.
Mateo: Should we get lunch on the way?
Sandra: Oh, that's a good idea.

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