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Quote from Glenn in Steps Challenge

Amy: Or we could just turn the other cheek, right, Glenn?
Glenn: What, so they can slap the other cheek? No, Amy, you don't back down from a bully.
Dina: I got to agree. If we don't hit them back they're going to think they can walk all over us.
Marcus: I say we all go over there and destroy their break room.
All: Yeah.
Sayid: Let's destroy their whole store! [affirmative chatter]
Jonah: I think we just got to go with the mob on this one.
Amy: All right, screw Bel-Ridge! Let's go get those dicks!
All: Yeah!
Jonah: Let's escalate this thing and assume they'll let it go after that!
Glenn: Yeah, let's escalate.
Dina: So should we drive separately or maybe carpool?
Garrett: I can drive people there but I got to go home right after.
Mateo: Should we get lunch on the way?
Sandra: Oh, that's a good idea.

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