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Steps Challenge

‘Steps Challenge’

Season 4, Episode 11 - Aired March 14, 2019

Amy, Jonah and Dina try to motivate the employees when Corporate introduces the Cloud 9 "step challenge".

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: Well maybe this will change your mind. The number one store wins...
Dina: What?
Glenn: You said you were going to do you know...
Dina: What is that?
Glenn: The thing that we- The thing we talked about in the office this morning.
Dina: What? You're talking about firing Hannah? I thought we were going to pull her aside after the meeting.
Glenn: [snorting noises.] The store with the most combined steps by the end of the week wins lunch with the Regional Vice President. Come on store 1217! Let's get to stepping! Ow!
All: Ow!
Glenn: My ankle. Oh, oh, it's bad. Oh, it's yeah, it's bad. It's bad! Ow, ow, ow, ow. Son of a buttermilk!
Dina: So Hannah, can I talk to you outside for a second?


Quote from Jonah

Jonah: What's the point of the chat window?
Amy: I think that's for us to text motivational messages to each other.
Jonah: I'm not sure our employees get that. Brett1217 just wrote #TheWalkingDead.

Quote from Amy

Amy: It's too bad we don't stand a chance of winning. I mean, lunch with the Regional VP? That would have been good for my management track.
Jonah: You do come alive at lunch.
Amy: I really do.
Dina: Oh, screw it. Let's motivate these people and go for the gold.
Amy: Yeah, that's not going to happen. We're not really the "Get to Steppin'" kind of store. Remember our last fire drill? Half the people got winded and just didn't make it out.

Quote from Amy

Amy: [over PA] All right store 1217, let's get ready for stepping! There she is! Speedy leg Sarah! Let's see them legs go, Girl! Heather? Hot stepping heather? Heather with the hot steps? Freddy! Freddy on fuego! Fuego Freddy. Mateo, I can see you. Let's put some hustle in it, baby.
Mateo: Okay, I don't know what "this" is but this is cashmere. So no, I will not be sweating today.
Amy: Just take your sweater off! No, no, sir. Not you. I was talking to my co-worker. Please keep your clothes on.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: And getting 10,000 steps a day reduces stress, it lowers your blood pressure and increases your lifespan.
Isaac: Yeah, I don't care. I don't plan on living past 30 anyway.
Jonah: 30? You're, um, you're under 30?
Isaac: What?
Jonah: Nothing. Wow. Yeah. You look good.

Quote from Marcus

Marcus: "Ozark Highlands? More like Slowzark Highlames." Ouch.
Isaac: I mean, that's clever but it's mean.
Sandra: Bel-Ridge1420? Why is Bel-Ridge attacking us?
Jonah: Because those guys are dicks. They always think they're better than us.

Quote from Sayid

Amy: Good hustle, Sayid.
Sayid: Marcus gave me six energy drinks. I feel great!
Amy: Great! Keep stepping.

Quote from Mateo

Amy: Mateo.
Mateo: Don't even. I'm not going to get all gross just because Bel-Ridge said some dumb things.
Amy: Relax, I'm not going to pressure you. I'm actually really impressed at how chill you've gotten. You used to be so competitive about everything.
Mateo: Well, I'd like to think I've matured over the years.
Amy: Yeah, totally. Back when you started you probably would have been like, "Ah! When corporate sees how few steps I'm taking they're going to think I'm not the number one worker."
Mateo: Wait, they can track our individual scores?
Amy: Well, I mean, they didn't say they could, but they didn't say they couldn't. It's fine. Even if you're not, like, a superstar it's... It's totally acceptable to be a everyday, run-of-the-mill, average worker.
Mateo: Average? Are you insane? [laughs] Damn it. I have to make up for lost time. Stop talking to me!

Quote from Mateo

Woman: Excuse me, do you have any gender-neutral toys? I'm trying to be cool.
Mateo: Oh, definitely. Follow me.
Woman: Oh, wasn't that the toy aisle?
Mateo: Oops! It was. Passed it. Guess we have to go all the way around.

Quote from Amy

Amy: We have to find a way to make these people push themselves harder.
Jonah: Everybody's already pushing themselves pretty hard, and most of them are not wearing deodorant. It's bad.
Dina: I'm with Amy on this one. I think she and I are just less comfortable being losers than you are.
Jonah: I'm just saying we're on a good track, okay? No need to overdo it. [walks away]
Amy: [sighs] I don't know, maybe he's right.
Dina: He could be right. But he could be wrong.
Amy: That's what I was thinking.

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