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Season 4, Episode 19 - Aired May 9, 2019

Amy delegates a difficult decision to Dina after Corporate forces her to cut everyone's hours. Jonah and the other employees play an elaborate game of laser tag with the new handheld scanners. Meanwhile, Mateo makes a surprising discovery about Marcus.

Quote from Sayid

Woman: I want to get her something really special. They don't know if she'll make it through the surgery, so this could be our last Mother's Day together, and I- [scanner beeps]
Sayid: Got you, Earl!
Earl: Damn it! [bleep] this game!


Quote from Marcus

Marcus: Uh, just for a little bit, you know, until I get back on my feet. Please don't tell anyone. I- I'd offer to give you money, but...
Mateo: It's okay. Well, I'm just gonna...
Marcus: Hey, wait, wait! No, wait. Uh, why don't you just stay and hang out? Do you like sushi? 'Cause I make a mean shrimp ramen.
Mateo: [chuckles] That's not sushi. Um, you know, I'm actually trying to...
Marcus: Please stay.

Quote from Cheyenne

Cheyenne: First the baby wipes were in Baby, then they moved them to Pharmacy, and now they're back in Baby again.
Woman: Uh, isn't the Baby section that way?
Cheyenne: Yeah, but we're taking the long way. There's a bunch of white people over there and I don't want to get shot.
Woman: Oh. Okay.

Quote from Mateo

Marcus: Sorry it's so crunchy. I can't get water to boil down here, so it just comes out a little Al dente.
Mateo: That's fine.
Marcus: God, out of all the people that work here, I can't believe I'm the homeless one. It's so embarrassing.
Mateo: Everybody's got something. Myrtle's super old, Isaac's got anger issues, Jonah wears a wig, probably.

Quote from Amy

Amy: Uh, Dina? Uh, you're just giving people their hours back?
Sandra: You are? Can I get mine back too?
Dina: Sure, what the hell?
Amy: No, I don't think she-
Sandra: Thank you! Thank you.
Amy: Oh, you're just giving them out left and right, huh? You're like Oprah, if she didn't stop to think things through.

Quote from Amy

Amy: Dina, we don't have the hours to give people! You can't just go around giving them out like you're Ebenezer Scrooge!
Dina: What?
Amy: In the end, once he's nice.

Quote from Amy

Jonah: Hey, why am I on the schedule only three hours next week?
Amy: Um, so we had to do some reallocating of hours, so I just took them off from you. I hope that's all right.
Jonah: This is not what I intended when I started sleeping with the boss.
Amy: Big miscalculation on your part.
Jonah: You know, if I get evicted, I'm gonna come stay with you.
Amy: All right, I could empty some drawers. [Jonah chuckles] I mean, you are over all the time anyways, so you could just, like, stay over or whatever.
Jonah: I'm sorry, are you asking me to move in with you?
Amy: I'm- I'm saying that you can move in with me if you feel like that's what you need.
Jonah: Oh, you're you're allowing me to move in with you.
Amy: You're- You're allowed, yes. [chuckles]
Jonah: Okay, sure. Why not?
Amy: Okay. Cool.
Jonah: Cool.

Quote from Myrtle

Myrtle: Hey, the white people are going out for wings. You coming?
Jonah: Oh, no thanks. Have fun, though. [to Amy] No idea what that was about.

Quote from Amy

Dina: Okay, everyone relax, all right? It's just a fancy price gun. It's not a threat, no one's getting replaced.
Amy: [sighs] Yeah, yeah. Uh, also, um, lastly... [clears throat] Corporate is asking us to cut back on some hours, so maybe check the schedule? Okay, have a nice day! [exits]

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: Hey Cheyenne, hold up that bag of chips up above your head.
Cheyenne: Oh. Okay. [scanner beeps]
Garrett: Flamin' Hot Funyuns.
Cheyenne: Yeah!
Garrett: Now spin around.
Cheyenne: Okay.
Jonah: Well, I know what we'll be doing today. [scanner beeps]
Garrett: Got it! Flamin' Hot Funyuns.
Cheyenne: Whoo.

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