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Season 4, Episode 15 - Aired April 11, 2019

Amy's first day as store manager turns awkward after her salary is accidentally revealed to her subordinates. Meanwhile, Mateo attempts to assume the floor manager role, while Glenn's cheery attitude in his new floor job rubs Garrett the wrong way.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: Anyway, so where do we begin?
Justine: Someone diarrhea'd in the toy aisle.
Glenn: Oh, dibs! If if you don't mind.
Garrett: That's all you, dude.
Marcus: You got it.
Justine: Enjoy.
Glenn: Okay. Off to mop the slop.
Marcus: Ah, man, he made it sound fun.
Garrett: No, he didn't.
Marcus: Yeah, he did.


Quote from Amy

Jonah: Your dad is getting good.
Amy: Right? He's in this whole Brat Pack phase. 16-year-old Amy is very excited.

Quote from Amy

Woman: [on the phone] And I just want to confirm, are you gonna want an assistant?
Amy: Uh, oh, do I get an assistant? Glenn never had one.
Woman: Yeah, he always thought it would come out of his salary, but it doesn't.

Quote from Amy

Amy: [on the phone] Speaking of, um, I... I don't even really know what my salary is. Would you would you happen to have it?
Woman: Oh, it's, um, $109,000.
Amy: [stammering]
Woman: Hello? Are you still there?
Amy: Uh, yes. Uh... [stammers] Yeah. Uh, uh-huh. Sorry, sorry. Um... Did you, uh... You said $100,000?
Woman: And $9,000, plus a yearly bonus, usually around $10,000.
Amy: $10,000? Oh, excuse me. Sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Sorry, sorry. Hello? Hello? Hi, hi, hi. You still there?
Woman: Yeah.
Amy: Um, okay, so... So when you say $10,000, you mean, like, on top of the previously mentioned $9,000, or is it, like, a part of the $9,000 so it's really just, like, $1,000?
Woman: I don't know what that means, but it's a total of $119,000.
Amy: And those are real, firm, rock-hard numbers? That's... I'm sorry if that sounded over-sexual. I'm just looking for confirmation.
Woman: Uh-huh. So I'll just fax over the contract, and you can sign it at your convenience.
Amy: Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, it's convenient right now. Uh, I could I could do that right now. Uh-huh.
Woman: Do you want to hear about your perks?
Amy: [mutes phone] Holy [bleep]! [unmutes phone] Yes, I would like to, um, hear about those, please.

Quote from Amy

Amy: Good morning, Sarah. Looking great! Good hustle, Brett! Hey, Sayid, you can go on a break.
Sayid: I already had my break.
Amy: Well, then it's a double-break day for you, my friend.
Cheyenne: You're in a good mood.
Justine: Somebody got laid.
Amy: No, actually, I, um... I'm just very happy. I like my new job. Oh, also, hey, everyone? There are doughnuts in the break room. [Justine gasps]
Cheyenne: Ooh, who forgot their doughnuts?
Amy: No, I bought them.
Cheyenne: Oh. Okay. Nobody eat the doughnuts. They're Amy's.
Amy: No, that's not- I- Doesn't matter. Good job, everyone. [walks off]
Cheyenne: She's so weird about her doughnuts.

Quote from Dina

Dina: Look, Jonah's a bimbo. You're management now. You don't see Dale Federman from the Clayton store walking around with some floozy on his arm. Okay? Keep him at the kids' table.
Amy: Yeah, no, those you make some really great points. I'll keep them in mind.
Dina: Well, just think about it. And if you need to have some rebound sex, I'm happy to call my guy. He's great. Croatian.

Quote from Amy

Jonah: You get an assistant and it's Myrtle?
Amy: Well, I just wanted to help the lady out. Besides, I am in a good mood.
Jonah: Ooh-hoo-hoo. What's going on?
Amy: I just found out my salary.
Jonah: [gasps] It's good?
Amy: I shouldn't say.
Jonah: You are dying to tell me.
Amy: Yes, of course I'm dying to tell you. Okay, I'm not gonna tell you my salary, but will you please hand me the contract that's sitting on my desk while I check out something on my wall and I trust you not to look? [chuckles]
Jonah: "Attention Cloud 9 customers, do you have a pet fish you love?"
Amy: No, that's this is the sale announcements.
Jonah: The sale announcements that Myrtle just took to Garrett?
Amy: Get her! Myrtle!

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: Well, I just want to say, it's awesome to see another floor supervisor doing so well. I think I speak for all floor supervisors when I say you are an inspiration.
Amy: Oh, okay. Thank you.

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: [over PA] Floor Supervisor Mateo Liwanag to Customer Service, please. Floor Supervisor Mateo Liwanag to customer service. [pants] Oh. That's me. Got to take it. [laughs] Whoo!

Quote from Dina

Dina: You know who you should date is that hot guy that you came in with last week.
Amy: Oh, maybe. Two problems: he's gay, and he's my brother.
Dina: Mm, I don't know. You guys had good chemistry.

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