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Maternity Leave

‘Maternity Leave’

Season 4, Episode 6 -  Aired November 8, 2018

Amy is forced to return to work two days after giving birth when it turns out she's not eligible for maternity leave. Meanwhile, Jonah and Garrett interview a group of seasonal applicants, including Penny (Eden Sher), after disliking Glenn's previous hire.

Quote from Dina

Dina: [over video call] Heather, your grandmother's cameo is not a part of our dress code. Elias, get your fingers out of your mouth and wash your hands. Soap and water, not just a rinse! Oh, man, I don't think this is working.
Sandra: Yeah, I'm glad you said that. I haven't been able to pee or take lunch-
Dina: Here's what we're gonna do. I need you to get 12 machine-grade rebars and some barrel bolts. Now, Henry has a welding torch in his locker. He'll deny that it's there, but it's there.
Sandra: Okay.
Dina: Get the 8-inch rebars, not the 12-inch. Do you understand me?
Sandra: I understand.
Dina: I don't think you do.


Quote from Jonah

Jonah: It's a [bleep] job interview. Did you look at yourself in the mirror before you came here?

Quote from Sayid

Amy: Oh, um, I'm in here.
Sayid: Oh, I'm sorry. But this is where I come to pray.
Amy: Um, okay, well, could you maybe come back later?
Sayid: Actually, Allah is pretty strict on time.
Amy: He can't wait ten minutes?
Sayid: [shakes head] You think?
Amy: Okay, I'm sorry. Proceed. Keep going.
Sayid: Allahu Akbar. [speaking Arabic]

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: You know, it might be rose-colored glasses, but I kinda like that Penny girl.
Jonah: She was great. And funny. We should've hired her.
Garrett: Then why did you say no?
Jonah: 'Cause you told me not to.
Garrett: No, I didn't.
Jonah: Yeah, you did. You said it, like, with your eyes. You gave me that look, like no way.
Garrett: My eyes don't say stuff. I don't have expressive eyes.

Quote from Jonah

Amy: I probably shouldn't have told Glenn to kill himself.
Jonah: Probably not.
Amy: It's not like I thought this was gonna be easy. I just didn't think it was gonna be this hard. I'm on day two and I have nothing left to give. [Jonah nods] Aren't you gonna tell me some inspiring story about how you made it through Shakespeare camp without a dialect coach or something?
Jonah: We were a scrappy, rag-tag group but in the end, we really tamed that shrew.
Amy: There it is.
Jonah: Honestly, I don't really have any advice. I've never done anything remotely as hard as what you're doing. I'm sorry if that doesn't make you feel any better.
Amy: Weirdly it kind of does.

Quote from Sayid

Sayid: Hey, Amy, it's about that time.
Amy: [feels breasts] Mm. He's not wrong. He prays, I pump. It's a thing.
Jonah: It's not a thing. Whose thing is that?

Quote from Dina

Dina: [on video call] Now, if you're looking for a lighter tea, you might want to go the oolong route. Yup, there yup, no, you're on it. You're on it. You're on it. But of course, if you're looking for something a little bit more intense, may I suggest the Earl Grey? Nope, upper shelf. Top shelf. Yup, there it is. Yeah. Now, actually, you're gonna want to get one of the ones from the back. The back tea is always fresher. That's a little tip for you. We re-stock to the back. Now, give that a smell. You're gonna smell the bergamot that's just risen to the top of the box. I mean, that is delicious.

Quote from Glenn

Amy: [answers phone] Hello?
Glenn: Amy! How ya been?
Amy: Shh. Glenn, the baby just went to sleep.
Glenn: Oh, yeah. Every day's an adventure, huh? Hey, did you know that newborn girls can have a mini-period? That was a surprise.

Quote from Glenn

Amy: [on the phone] Glenn, this really is not a good time. I just got back from the hospital three hours ago. I'm exhausted.
Glenn: Yeah, uh, yeah, sure. Okay. Uh, well, we'll just catch up at work.
Amy: Okay, I'll see you in six weeks.
Glenn: Yeah, sure. Or today.
Amy: What?
Glenn: So, apparently, a person doesn't qualify for leave if they've worked here under a year.
Amy: I know. I've been there 15 years.
Glenn: Yes, but when you were suspended for you know... [quavering] Um, your clock was started over.
Amy: Are you [bleep] kidding me?
Glenn: Look, I'm sorry. I tried to fight it. But if you don't come in, they are not gonna let me keep your job open.
Amy: Okay. Well, then I guess I'll see you soon.
Glenn: Thanks. And try to hurry, 'cause technically your shift started an hour ago. You were supposed to bring in doughnuts. A lot of people were really angry. [Amy hangs up] Okay, bye-bye.

Quote from Sandra

Dina: [on video call] Anyway, ugh, I'm bored. What's going on?
Sandra: Remember the shopping cart that's missing a wheel? Well, bad news, it is now missing-
Dina: Hey, shh, shh, shut up. Shut up, shut up. I think that guy behind you is shoplifting.
Sandra: Really?
Dina: Yeah. You're gonna need to get a better look. Follow him.
Sandra: Okay.
Dina: Hey, idiot, forgetting something?
Sandra: Oh, I didn't realize that you-
Dina: Yeah.
Sandra: Right. [unplugs tablet] Here we go. Oh, I think I lost him.

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