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Quote from Dina in Maternity Leave

Dina: [over video call] Heather, your grandmother's cameo is not a part of our dress code. Elias, get your fingers out of your mouth and wash your hands. Soap and water, not just a rinse! Oh, man, I don't think this is working.
Sandra: Yeah, I'm glad you said that. I haven't been able to pee or take lunch-
Dina: Here's what we're gonna do. I need you to get 12 machine-grade rebars and some barrel bolts. Now, Henry has a welding torch in his locker. He'll deny that it's there, but it's there.
Sandra: Okay.
Dina: Get the 8-inch rebars, not the 12-inch. Do you understand me?
Sandra: I understand.
Dina: I don't think you do.

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