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Hair Care Products

‘Hair Care Products’

Season 6, Episode 5 - Aired January 14, 2021

After Cloud 9 change their policy of locking up Black hair care products, the employees discuss the issue of systemic racism at work. Meanwhile, Mateo and Cheyenne are insulted when cautious Sandra doesn't want to attend their movie night during the pandemic.

Quote from Cheyenne

Mateo: Oh, yes! I knew we'd get her.
Cheyenne: Nice, so it's just gonna be me, you, Sandra outside your apartment watching Herbie: Fully Loaded.
Mateo: Yeah.
Cheyenne: Oh, shoot! I forgot. I have something on Friday.
Mateo: Cheyenne. Cheyenne!


Quote from Jonah

Justine: He didn't even take the pizzas.
Jonah: You know what? You guys just don't get it, okay? Today was a perfect example of the kind of racism that people of color have to deal with on a daily basis and how we need to stop pretending that white privilege doesn't benefit us. Today was never about the pizzas. It... [reads phone] Okay, so it's still not about the pizzas, but he would like me to grab the pizzas, so... If you could just... under my chin. Yeah, yeah. All right, okay. Seriously! Do the work!

Quote from Justine

Garrett: Wow, so this is what equality feels like.
Justine: [sings] ♪ Amazing grace ♪
Garrett: Okay. [everyone leaves]
Justine: ♪ How sweet ♪ [talks] Come on, everybody!

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Yeah, you know, this is actually exactly what we're talking about in my anti-racism book club. We have the luxury of not having to think about racism because it doesn't directly affect our lives.
Garrett: I would love to never hear about that book club again, but he's right.
Dina: Well, let's do something about it. You're gonna hold a meeting, and you're gonna compile a list of all the racist stuff that corporate needs to talk about.
Garrett: I'm gonna hold a meeting?
Dina: Oh, right, sorry. I forgot you don't like to lead. You prefer to sit to the side and make snarky comments like a balcony Muppet.
Jonah: Uh, well, I could- I could do it.
Garrett: No, no, no, I can do it.
Jonah: Yeah, no, of course. You should. You totally... That's a great idea. I was just trying to help. I... I promise I wasn't trying to, like, lead or anything. I should decenter myself and start listening.
Garrett: You're still talking.
Jonah: Yeah, yeah, decentering. Yup.

Quote from Cheyenne

Cheyenne: Should we feel bad for not inviting her?
Mateo: Yeah, I guess?
Cheyenne: I bet she just sits at home all day running to the window whenever she hears a car.
Mateo: So... should we invite her?
Cheyenne: Aw, that would be so nice of us. She'll probably cry.
Mateo: Totally. It'll be like Christmas for her.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: [on video call] Hey, Garrett. It's me, Glenn.
Garrett: Yeah, I can see you.
Glenn: So I heard about the Black hair care products, and I feel horrible. I guess I just never paid attention to those products because most of my Black friends are bald.
Garrett: By most, do you mean me?
Glenn: No, I have six others. I don't know if they're drawn to me or me to them, but... Anyway, the point is I... I'm just so sorry. And I wish there was something I could do to make it up to the Black employees. Any ideas?
Garrett: Uh, for how to apologize to Black people?
Glenn: Mm-hmm.
Garrett: Glenn, look, I'm really busy. I got this meeting coming up...
Glenn: I just feel terrible! You gotta help me make this right. Oh, and for the record, I am willing to take a knee anywhere. Thanks, Garrett.
Garrett: Yeah, bye.

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: Hey, Sandra. Guess what?
Sandra: I don't like to guess anymore. My mind's too dirty.
Cheyenne: Oh! Okay, we're hosting an outdoor movie night and we want you to come.
Mateo: It's this Friday at 7:00. Bring a camping chair and a blanket. But not Jerry. We're not running a charity.

Quote from Sandra

Sandra: Oh, um, thanks for the invite, but I don't feel comfortable going.
Cheyenne: Aw, because you're not used to being invited to places?
Sandra: No, it's just... I noticed you guys are pretty caszh with your COVID safety.
Cheyenne: What, us? [puts mask back on]
Mateo: What? [puts mask back on]
Sandra: In your Instagram post, you're not wearing your masks. You just have the bandana tied around your necks.
Cheyenne: Yeah, so people can see our smiles.
Mateo: They need them now more than ever.
Sandra: Right, I just think I'd be too anxious if I went, but thanks for the invite.

Quote from Cheyenne

Mateo: [removes mask] Is she saying we're not clean?
Cheyenne: [lowers mask] I think so. Should we start a rumor that she has hepatitis?
Mateo: No. Not yet.

Quote from Dina

Garrett: Uh, I think it's good that the store has unlocked the Black hair products, but I thought we'd make a list of the other issues corporate needs to address.
Nia: You mean like how we still sell products with racist mascots?
Dina: Ooh, yes, that's a good one! Write that one down.
Garrett: Okay, that's a weird energy to bring to this, but okay.

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