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Quote from Glenn in Hair Care Products

Glenn: [on video call] Hey, Garrett. It's me, Glenn.
Garrett: Yeah, I can see you.
Glenn: So I heard about the Black hair care products, and I feel horrible. I guess I just never paid attention to those products because most of my Black friends are bald.
Garrett: By most, do you mean me?
Glenn: No, I have six others. I don't know if they're drawn to me or me to them, but... Anyway, the point is I... I'm just so sorry. And I wish there was something I could do to make it up to the Black employees. Any ideas?
Garrett: Uh, for how to apologize to Black people?
Glenn: Mm-hmm.
Garrett: Glenn, look, I'm really busy. I got this meeting coming up...
Glenn: I just feel terrible! You gotta help me make this right. Oh, and for the record, I am willing to take a knee anywhere. Thanks, Garrett.
Garrett: Yeah, bye.

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