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Deep Cleaning

‘Deep Cleaning’

Season 6, Episode 11 - Aired March 4, 2021

With the store closed for a deep clean, Glenn decides to host a holiday party for the employees who've missed so much during the pandemic. Meanwhile, Mateo hopes to impress Eric's parents when they pick up an order, and Dina gets high off the cleaning fumes.

Quote from Jonah

Mateo: Just help me make it up to them. Like, what's some stuff they would like?
Jonah: Um, okay. Let's see. I know Connie collects those little porcelain child figurines.
Mateo: Something in the store I can put in their order, please!
Jonah: Right, yes. Oh, they both love the, um... Those fancy kettle chips. You know, the... the... the sea salt and cracked pepper?
Mateo: Okay. It's worth a try. I mean, I've gotta do something. Eric is the best, and I do not want to mess things up.
Jonah: Yeah! Eric is the best. He's so, like, comfortable in his own skin and, like, cool without even trying.
Mateo: Okay, calm down, because he's taken.


Quote from Dina

Sandra: Dina. Can you help us with this? We can't figure out how to use it.
Cheyenne: It's okay.
Dina: Okay, first of all, I would like to thank you for starting a conversation with me. Um, you asked me a question, which means now... it's my turn to answer it, so... You just grip it firmly. Almost as though the scrubber is an extension of your arms. Kind of like you got two long, industrial cleaning arms. [chuckles] Not that I think that those are my actual arms. I know I have normal arms. Just a couple of flesh tubes, filled with blood.
Tony: Yo, are you high right now?
Dina: What did you just say to me?!
Cheyenne: Uh, so you guys know the arm thing now, and you can take it from here. ["Garfield" floats by]
Dina: [whispers] We gotta go. I think I'm starting to hallucinate.
Cheyenne: No, it's... [Dina runs off] Dina.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: And yet he ended up getting the answer right anyway, and wins the game.
Ron: Okay, thank you for walking us through the plot of Slumdog Millionaire, a movie that we said we've all seen.
Jonah: Uh-huh, yeah. No problem.
Connie: Jonah, don't let us keep you if you have to go back to work. I am sure Mateo would love some alone time with us anyway.
Mateo: [chuckles nervously] Yeah, Jonah. Kind of awkward you're just sticking around.
Jonah: Well, uh, I am on the clock. [Mateo whimpers] But, no. No! I am not going anywhere. No. We've got some catching up to do.

Quote from Garrett

Tony: So where do we paint the mugs?
Garrett: You don't.
Justine: What about the Irish soda bread?
Garrett: The raccoons ate it. [overlapping chatter] All right. Look. Okay, guys, you know what? Sure, this party looks like "A Charlie Brown Hoarders Special," but for once, you guys have to do the people-pleasing because Glenn has been doing it all day. All year. You know what? He's been doing it since he started working here. So here's what's gonna happen: You guys are gonna enjoy this weird-ass little party 'cause that's what Glenn wants. Got it? I'll put vodka in the punch.
Janet: Now that's what I'm talking about. [murmurs of agreement]

Quote from Mateo

Eric: Hey, fiancé.
Mateo: Oh, God. What parts did you hear?
Eric: Not much, since my mom was crying a lot, but I was able to catch that we're getting married?
Mateo: Okay, I swear this is all Jonah's fault...
Eric: It's fine. I'm sure Parker will get a new tooth soon and they'll forget that we promised them a big wedding.
Mateo: [sighs in relief] Yeah. Although...
Eric: That's a pretty big "although" to leave hanging.
Mateo: [sighs] I don't know. I've been trying not to think about my future just 'cause it's so up in the air with my status, and, you know, everything being hell, but... I'm just sick of putting everything on hold. So... yeah. I want to marry you someday. I mean, not that I even know if that's something you want..
Eric: But it is.
Mateo: Really?
Eric: We should start talking about it. [Mateo sighs in relief] I just would've preferred we talk about it before my mom started sending me photos of matching white tuxes.
Mateo: [laughs] Oh. [kisses Eric] We would never do matching white tuxes, by the way.
Eric: Never!

Quote from Mateo

[Carol strikes open the leprechaun pinata]
Mateo: Wait, are those potatoes?
Eric: Do people know they have candy in Ireland?
Nia: Shh, we're not questioning it. Great party, Glenn!

Quote from Mateo

Carol: It's like our whole lives are just on hold.
Mateo: Welcome to my world. Try waiting around to see if you're gonna get kicked out of the country. But I do miss brunch.
Nia: Remember ordering a pancake for the table? [murmurs of agreement]

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: You guys aren't gonna believe this, but I was almost sad that we didn't have our staff Christmas party.
Glenn: Aw!
Sandra: But I guess we're all used to stuff getting canceled by now. [murmurs of agreement]
Garrett: Yeah.
Glenn: Wait, not everything has to be canceled. We're gonna have that Christmas party today!
Marcus: I do have a little leftover eggnog in my locker.
Glenn: You keep it, 'cause Garrett and I are gonna take care of everything.
Garrett: What... What am I doing?
Glenn: Oh. I just assumed you'd want to help because you missed the Christmas party so much. Oh, unless you had your heart set on cleaning?
Garrett: Neither of those sound appealing, but I'll go with the one with a lower chance of finding another severed foot.
Glenn: Okay, so you...
Garrett: The party. I'll help plan the party.
Glenn: Whoo-hoo!

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Aw, shoot. An order just came in for Ron and Connie Sosa. I mean, they didn't even really like me when we were together, so this is gonna be really awkward.
Mateo: Well, then, let me do it.
Jonah: Really?
Mateo: Yeah. You know, I barely met them. Eric introduced me on a family Zoom once, but then his uncle revealed he had a secret family, so it just went off the rails.
Jonah: What?
Mateo: Yeah. But now, I can give them the best customer service of their lives, and they'll love me forever.
Jonah: Yeah, sure. Then go for it. Keep an eye out for a red Prius. It smells like cough drops inside, but I don't think you'll need to know that.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: Well, you know what? Maybe we can celebrate all the holidays. You know, have an All-iday Party! Do you get it? All the holidays?
Sandra: I get it.
Garrett: Yeah. Yeah, that's genius. [chuckles] Yeah, but I just think that maybe we got our hands full with one holiday.
Cody: Don't forget about Thanksgiving, man. You know, the one with the pilgrims and the turkey?
Glenn: Yeah, no, I know what Thanksgiving is, but... All right, sure. Yes, we'll all have Thanksgiving dinner too. Okay?
Tony: That's cool.
Glenn: Wow, this party is gonna be... great once it all comes together, eventually.
Garrett: Are you kidding me, Glenn? Cooking Thanksgiving dinner?
Glenn: Well...
Garrett: That's too much work!
Glenn: Yeah, but not after the tough year that they've all had. I mean, look at poor Nia. She's never gotten to celebrate any of the holidays with us.
Nia: It's okay. I do those with family and friends.
Glenn: Well, you're gonna forget all about them once you've partied with us at work. All-iday!

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