Newman Quotes     Page 11 of 13    

Quote from The Bottle Deposit

[After Newman throws his empty soda bottle in Jerry's trash can]
Kramer: What are you doing? Don't throw that away.
Newman: Well, I'm not paying the five cents for that stupid recycling thing.
Kramer: No, you don't pay five cents, you get five cents back. Here, read the label here. "Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York. Refund... five cents."
Newman: Refund?
Kramer: Yes.
Jerry: Well, what do you think the hobos are doing?
Newman: I don't know, they're deranged.


Quote from The Bottle Deposit

Newman: So we could put the bottles in a U-haul. You know, go lean and mean?
Kramer: Newman, it's a dead-end, come on.

Quote from The Bottle Deposit

Newman: Hey! You're not dumping those bottles back there, are you? Hey, Kramer, those have wholesale value! We could cut our losses.

Quote from The Bottle Deposit

Farmer: Hello, stranger.
Newman: Ah, look, I... I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm a US postal worker and my mail truck was just ambushed by a band of backwoods, mail-hating survivalists.
Farmer: Calm down, now. Calm down. Don't worry, we'll take care of you. This farm ain't much, but uh, you're welcome to what we have. Hot bath, hearty meal, clean bed.
Newman: Oh, thank you, sir.
Farmer: Just have one rule. Keep your hands off my daughter.
[As the Farmer speaks, his twenty-something, blonde daughter by and gives Newman a smile]

Quote from The Bottle Deposit

Farmer: Enjoy that mutton?
Newman: It's delicious mutton. This is uh... This is outta sight. I would, I would love to get the recipe. It's very good.
[Newman tries to be cool as the Farmer's daughter flirts with him]
Newman: [chokes]
Farmer: That cider too strong for you?
Newman: No, no. I love strong cider. I'm a big, strong, cider guy.
Farmer: Gonna be milking Holsteins in the morning, if you'd like to lend a hand.
Newman: You know, I don't really know that much about uh.. I don't have any.. I don't.. I don't think I know much about that.
Farmer: Ah, Susie here'll teach you. Just gotta pull on the teat a little.
Susie: It'll be nice having a big, strong, man around.
Newman: You know, those mail bags, they get mighty heavy. I uh, I Nautilus, of course. [to the farmer] Can I have some gravy?

Quote from The Bottle Deposit

Susie: No daddy, you'll hurt him! I love him! [waving after Newman] Goodbye Norman, goodbye.

Quote from The Soul Mate

Newman: Kramer, you have to confront Jerry.
Kramer: Confront Jerry? I can't.
Newman: You must!
Kramer: I won't!
Newman: You will!

Quote from The Soul Mate

Kramer: So now he wants her more than ever.
Newman: Blast!
Kramer: What am I gonna do, huh?
Newman: Don't despair, my friend. I won't allow your love to go unrequited. Not like mine.
Kramer: What, again with you?
Newman: Sorry. But love is spice with many tastes. A dizzying array of textures and moments.
Kramer: If only I could say things like that around her.
Newman: Yes...

Quote from The Soul Mate

Newman: [to Kramer] With your looks and my words, we'll have built the perfect beast.

Quote from The Soul Mate

Jerry: Hello, Newman.
Newman: Hello, Jerry. How's Pam?
Jerry: Pam? What do you care?
[Jerry notices Newman is holding a bag from Pam's bookstore]
Newman: Well, ta-ta!
Jerry: Wait a minute!

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