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My Hypocritical Oath

‘My Hypocritical Oath’

Season 4, Episode 15 - Aired February 1, 2005

After J.D. meets an attractive bartender, Kylie (Chrystee Pharris), he inadvertently ends up agreeing to treat her boyfriend at the clinic. Meanwhile, Elliot stands up to Dr. Kelso over a patient, and Dr. Cox tries to avoid learning the score to the Lakers/Heat game when he's forced to work a night shift.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: Oh, man! I can't believe it's over.
Turk: Dude, it's not that serious. There could be a window, but you have to get in there and fish for information.
You don't want to lose this hottie! She is a slamming hottie, and you-
Carla: Turk.
J.D.: I got this. Baby, you know you're his world.


Quote from J.D.

J.D.: OK, well, let's get a little history on you.
J.D.: [v.o.] Time to go fishing for some info.
J.D.: You ever have any shortness of breath, for instance when you're walking Kylie to the apartment that you share?
Kylie: We don't live together.
J.D.: [v.o.] Window! Window!
J.D.: Oh, so you're waiting until you get married.
Kylie: We're not engaged.
James: To answer your question, I don't have shortness of breath, but my right knee is a little puffy.
J.D.: Well, maybe that's from dragging your feet. Am I right, Kylie? She knows!

Quote from Dr. Cox

Elliot: Do you believe that guy?
Dr. Cox: I never cease to be amazed by the depth of his cynicism and callousness.
Elliot: So what do you think we should do?
Dr. Cox: Oh, I don't care. I'm going home to watch the Lakers play the Heat. It's the game of the year, Shaq versus Kobe. And you are going to stay and deal with this yourself.
Elliot: Shaq versus Kobe?
Dr. Cox: All the best.

Quote from Turk

Kylie: What happened to your eye?
J.D.: It's a little embarrassing. I was playing basket-
Turk: Embarrassing for me, actually. [to J.D.] It's Wingman time. [to Kylie] We were playing basketball, and he scored eight buckets in a row on yours truly.
J.D.: I alley-ooped him.
Kylie: Shut up. You could've used J.D. at Seton Hall.
Turk: Oh, also, the soup kitchen where you volunteer called- You played ball at Seton Hall?
James: All four years.
Turk: Get out of here!
J.D.: Did the soup kitchen where I volunteer have a message?
Turk: Yeah. They're out of broth. What was it like playing college ball?

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: Your gramstain shows that you have... You have gonorrhoea. We should probably test Kylie to see if she's infected.
James: No, we haven't slept together, yet. It's not like I'm missing out. I probably got it from my secretary. Or that trainer from the gym. Or this fine chick Tamyra that bartends with Kylie.
J.D.: Yeah. We should probably get you fixed up, or things might start falling off of you.

Quote from Carla

J.D.: Why do all the good ones have boyfriends with venereal diseases, but you can't say anything 'cause you're the guy's doctor?
Carla: I am so sick of men screwing women over, like cheating on them or using your lavender bath gel to wash their car.
Turk: Baby, you did not just compare cheating and getting gonorrhea to me using your soap.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [v.o.] The only thing you can take solace in is a girl like her would probably never be interested in you.
Kylie: I can't believe a cute guy like you doesn't have a girlfriend. If I was single, I'd snatch you up.
J.D.: Would you like to play a game of hangman?

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [v.o.] As I sat there letting my interns do all my work, I wondered if there was a parallel universe where another J.D. and another Kylie could be together because there's no Hippocratic oath on planet Glornack Seven.
Elliot: Are you on Glornack Seven?

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: Why are you so happy?
Elliot: I just did an exchange transfusion on my malaria patient in there, and he just woke up from his coma.
J.D.: Well, he woke up to a world of bad boyfriends, oaths, and gonorrhoea.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [v.o.] Signs be damned! I'm telling her.
J.D.: Kylie! Kylie!
Turk: [tackles J.D.] You can't tell her. They won't let you be a doctor anymore.
J.D.: Who cares? I'd make more money bartending.
Carla: Turk, if we leave right now, I might be awake for sex tonight, so go get my coat. [to J.D.] You owe me.

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