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My Hard Labor

‘My Hard Labor’

Season 7, Episode 2 - Aired November 1, 2007

As Kim goes into labor, J.D. tries to avoid having a discussion about the state of their relationship. Meanwhile, Dr. Cox searches for a doctor to give baby Jennifer a shot, and Turk finds time to play a video game.

Quote from Dr. Cox

Dr. Cox: Look it, I know that I called you at home and I threatened to kill your dog, but thanks again for coming in there, Dr. Callahan.
Dr. No-Shot: No problem. It's not like I need a lot of sleep to practice medicine on small children.
Dr. Cox: This'll only take a second. My daughter needs a shot for a dermatitis.
Dr. No-Shot: Oh, I'm afraid I can't do that, I'm Dr. No-Shot.
Dr. Cox: You're kidding, right? You're a pediatrician, you must have to give the occasional shot.
Dr. No-Shot: Sure, if my name was Dr. Occasional Shot, but it's not.


Quote from Dr. Cox

Dr. No-Shot: Look, I have been a doctor for these kids for years, I don't want them balling every time they see me because they associate me with pain.
Dr. Cox: That's insane.
Dr. No-Shot: Yeah. Then why aren't you giving your daughter the shot?
Dr. Cox: I don't want her to forever associate me with...
Dr. No-Shot: What? I didn't- I didn't catch that.
Dr. Cox: Pain.
Dr. No-Shot: Was that your inside voice? You can- You can bring it up.
Dr. Cox: My daughter to forever associate me with pain.
Dr. No-Shot: Ironic. Why don't you ask one of the nurses to give it to her.
Dr. Cox: There's only one nurse in this whole dump I would let touch my daughter.

Quote from Dr. Kelso

Carla: I can't believe you're still playing this stupid game.
Janitor: Hit him with the firesaber.
Dr. Kelso: Hit him with a lamp.
Turk: There's no lamp in this game, sir.
Dr. Kelso: I was talking to your wife. Hit Turkleton with this lamp.

Quote from Carla

Carla: Janitor, you're getting pummeled.
Janitor: That sounded like criticism. I don't respond well to criticism.
Carla: Whatever, you still suck.
Janitor: I'm out.
Turk: No, dude, come on. Baby why'd you have to go and say that? I can't finish this game by myself.
Carla: Follow my lead and jump in that warthog. You drive, I'll man the machine-gun and kill all the Jackals.
Turk: You've never been more sexy to me!

Quote from Elliot

Keith: Oh, that's disgusting!
Elliot: Hey, Keith.
Keith: Burn in hell.

Quote from Elliot

Elliot: I'm so sorry about you and Kim. Is there anything I can do?
J.D.: Just take care of her.
Elliot: Okay. God, you're having a baby! Wanna do a celebratory jump?
J.D.: Nah, Turk, Carla and I tried one earlier, turned out to be lame.
Elliot: Oh, please, you probably loved it and just didn't want to admit it.

Quote from Dr. Cox

Dr. Cox: Hey, you. Blondie go that way? Thanks.
Kim: Get out!
Dr. Cox: Oh, dear God. It is like Baghdad in there. Look, Newbie, I'm on the verge of losing of my mind. Do you have the time to give my daughter a shot now that you've ruined your life?
J.D.: Will you talk me through when I'm going to?
Dr. Cox: Absolutely not.
J.D.: Then find someone else to help you.
Dr. Cox: Oh, damn, fine. Okay. Fine. But if you use the words "emotional roller coaster" I am O-U-T.
J.D.: Deal. I just feel like I'm on this like emotional... ride of some sort
Dr. Cox: Oh!

Quote from Carla

Turk: Baby, you are awesome! Did you play this before?C
Carla: Listen, I discovered the game when Izzy had colic and I was up all night, and I became addicted. That's actually the main reason why I wanted it out of the apartment.
Turk: Oh, I thought you were mad because I'd rather play the game than play with Izzy. Which I guess it's sometimes true. Baby, don't get it twisted. That girl is my world, but every now and then I gotta do my own thing. You've heard of hunger-pangs? I get sports-pangs. And "watch Judge Dredd with J.D."-pangs.
Carla: Turk, you think you're the only one who gets pangs? I get "Put on my tight jeans and walk down the street to see if anybody honks" pangs. They do, actually.

Quote from Dr. Kelso

Carla: I mean, how do you think I became addicted to this game? Every parent needs to take some time off.
Dr. Kelso: You're damn right, they do. Hell, my son Harrison is a grown man, and I still get urge to slip away during his visits. Of course, that may have more to do with this new boyfriend of his. I swear, you could line up a hundred gay men, and Harrison would pick out the attention-starved, bi-polar ex-con every time. [answers phone] Oh, Harrison! Your ears must have been burning!
Turk: And now, what do we do?
Carla: We kill one more alien boss, and then we've finished.
Turk: I like your style.
Dr. Kelso: [on the phone] Of course you had to break up with him. No one you love should ever sell your car without asking and then blow all the money on meth.

Quote from J.D.

Dr. Cox: Carla, are you done yet?
Carla: Not yet.
J.D.: [v.o.] As I looked around the room, I thought about the things parents do for their kids. Like going to extraordinary lengths to ensure their child never feared them.
Dr. Cox: Okay, let's keep looking.
Dr. Kelso: [v.o.] Helping them mend their broken heart.
Dr. Kelso: Well, why can't you still be with Gary? I always liked him. What do you mean he stole your fillings?
J.D.: [v.o.] Or staying up late, to make sure there's one less distraction around.
Turk: Game, and that's game, and that's how we do! And that is how we do! That's right.
J.D.: [v.o.] And I realized parenting is about sacrifice. And I had to go in there and be there for my child. Even if that meant taking some well-deserved abuse.
Kim: Get out of here, you jerk.
J.D.: No.

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