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My Bad

‘My Bad’

Season 1, Episode 6 - Aired October 30, 2001

Following Dr. Cox's suspension, J.D. sees a chance to convince a board member to save his mentor's career, unaware that the board member is Cox's ex-wife Jordan. Meanwhile, when Elliot treats a psychiatrist she acts like she's his patient, and Carla is torn between her relationship with Turk and caring for her mother.

Quote from Jordan

J.D.: Ms. Sullivan? Excuse me, Ms. Sullivan?
Jordan: Honey, I think we're way past Ms Sullivan.
J.D.: OK, Jordan. [chuckles] Uh, I just don't think we should see each other again.
Jordan: The story of my life. Any time I let my guard down just a little, I get hurt.
J.D.: I am so sorry.
Jordan: You know how long it's been since I connected with someone? You know, i's not fair that because of him, I don't get to spend time [laughing] Boy, it's hard to keep that going. See you, DJ, I got a date. "See each other again!" [exits]
J.D.: She's gonna be OK.


Quote from Dr. Cox

Dr. Cox: Okay, what?
J.D.: Your ex-wife. She's the answer.
Dr. Cox: Uh, "Things That Ruined My Life"? "Things That Took Half My Money"? "Things With Sharp Edges"?
J.D.: Come on. She's on the board. Deep down, I'm sure she's a reasonable person. Not that I know her that well, or at all, or have ever been alone with her. But if you just-
Dr. Cox: No.
J.D.: Ask.
Dr. Cox: I'm going to go and do this as slowly as possible so you don't misunderstand. [elongated] No.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [v.o.] There are other ways to save Dr. Cox's job. I could try talking to Dr. Kelso.
[Dr. Kelso laughs]
J.D.: [v.o.] Cox could get plastic surgery to look like Jimmie Walker.
Dr. Cox: [in Jimmie Walker's body] This guy's gonna need 30mEqs of KCL.
J.D.: [v.o.] Or I could just ask Jimmie Walker to talk to Dr. Kelso.
Jimmie Walker: Your man Cox is the best. I know he's got an unorthodox way of doing things, but all the innovators do. Now, everybody deserves a second chance. Am I right?
Dr. Kelso: Who are you?

Quote from Jordan

J.D.: Jordan, look, I know you're on your way to the board meeting and I know you don't really like me, but...
Jordan: I don't dislike you. I nothing you.
J.D.: Oh, thanks, that's special.
J.D.: Look, I have to ask you a favor. But you have to know this is not why we slept together.
Jordan: Yeah, you had nothing to do with why we slept together.
J.D.: I think we both know that's not completely true.
Jordan: Oh, please. Even though you're terrified that good Dr. Cox will find out, if I wanted you to go to his apartment, have sex with me in front of him, you would.
J.D.: Please don't do that.

Quote from Jordan

J.D.: [v.o.] I don't know why she did it, maybe I got to her. Maybe she knows how much the hospital needs him.
Maybe she remembers why she cared about him in the first place.
Jordan: [to Dr. Cox] I did it because the thought of you rotting here in this fluorescent tomb is more fun than tipping a valet with your alimony check.
Dr. Cox: Oh, listen here, pumpkin, if you're honestly having this much trouble getting over me, just go ahead and give me a call, and I'll toss you a sympathy throw-down any time.

Quote from Dr. Cox

Dr. Cox: You asked her for help, didn't you?
J.D.: Look, I don't think you realize how important you are to some people around here.
J.D.: [v.o.] I'll always remember that as the first thank-you I got from Dr. Cox.
Dr. Cox: Jeez, Agnes. Does the field-hockey team know that you're missing?
J.D.: [v.o.] It felt good.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [v.o.] It was weird knowing my mentor could be fired tomorrow. But there's no reason to feel any less confident. I'll be fine without a safety net.
Patient: So, what do you think, Dr. Dorian? Bypass or stent?
[fantasy: J.D. and his patient standing on a tightrope:]
J.D.: Bypass! [falls] Or stent.

Quote from J.D.

Dr. Kelso: I'm assigning you to a very important board member whose family built this hospital with their bare hands.
J.D.: [v.o.] That can't be true. I hate that expression.

Quote from Turk

Turk: Baby, I don't understand why we couldn't stay at my place. I mean, I could've done the whole show for you.
Carla: Oh, there's a show?
Turk: Yeah, there's a show. It involves music, some dancing, occasionally singing.
Carla: Can you do Me And Mrs. Jones?
Turk: I don't know, what's she look like? [laughs]

Quote from Dr. Kelso

Dr. Kelso: Ah, Dr. Cox. I've been thinking about your predicament and I think I have a solution: cruise ships.
Dr. Cox: Right.
Dr. Kelso: Think about it. Everyone'll call you Doc. You'll visit exotic ports. Heck, maybe you'll even get to meet Charo.

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