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Leslie's House

‘Leslie's House’

Season 2, Episode 14 - Aired January 21, 2010

After Justin treats Leslie to a brilliant date in Indianapolis, she promises him an amazing date back in Pawnee. As she tries to make the dinner date perfect, she calls upon the help of the rec center teachers whose classes are about to close due to budget cuts.

Quote from Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson: This is the best Old Fashioned I have ever had. Where'd you find this bartender?
Leslie Knope: Oh... I think... I don't know. Like, maybe the Yellow Pages.
Ron Swanson: Well, there's no way that you're paying him enough.
Bartender: Well, if you want, I could teach you the secret to great...
Leslie Knope: Ssh.


Quote from Tom

Ron Swanson: Are these peppers for consuming?
Tania: I wouldn't. They're very hot.
Ron Swanson: I'm gonna give it a try. [bites] Mm. Hot.
Wendy: You're very brave.
Tom: Please, that was one of the tiny ones. [singsongy] This is how you eat it!
Ron Swanson: Don't do that, Tom!
Tom: Mm. [bleep]

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: Tom, I need your help. There was a lull. I saw Justin yawn. Please tell me that yawning is a sign of excitement in India or something.

Quote from Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson: Hey, little buddy! Everything okay? That took a long time.
Wendy: Poor Tommy. He has a very frail colon.

Quote from April

Andy: They brought in a little entertainment, thank God. That Justin, he's so boring.
Ben: What are you talking about? He's incredible.
Derek: Yeah. He's not gay, but if he were, I would totally break up with Ben for him.
Ben: Yeah, I would understand. He's amazing, right, April?
Andy: Right, April? [pours her a drink] Don't we love him? [chuckles]
April: Yeah. He's actually kind of awesome.
Andy: [takes drink away] You're underage. I could lose my liquor license, I'm sorry.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Barney: Miss Knope, I understand that you're currently evaluating the rec center teachers.
Ron Swanson: You're doing what, Leslie?
Barney: I demand an evaluation.
Leslie Knope: Okay. What course do you teach?
[cut to:]
Barney: When it comes to choosing accounting software, there's no accounting for taste. [Andy laughs] The advantage of QuickBooks Pro is that it's easy to assemble a list of vendors...
Ron Swanson: Well, this is great. I'm heading home, so as not to have to be here anymore. My office, first thing tomorrow.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: I'm very sorry that I invited Wendy to the party.
Phil: Is Wendy one of the teachers?
Tom: No, she's my soon-to-be ex-wife.
Leslie Knope: And hopefully-then-to-be future-wife. Look, I'm really sorry. I put a new romance in front of an old friendship.
Tom: Okay.
Leslie Knope: I put a beautiful man in front of an adorable man-child.
Tom: You're ruining it.
Leslie Knope: I put a big white stallion in front of a little brown pony.
Tom: Totally uncalled for.

Quote from April

April: Can I get a shine?
Andy: Oh. No. I'm sorry. We're closed, due to betrayment.
April: Well, I'm sorry. But I don't know what you're talking about.
Andy: Why don't you ask your new best friend, whose name is...
Both: Justin?
April: Yes. I would. But he's probably too busy cleaning gum out of his coat pockets. [empties gum wrappers]
Andy: Wow. Unbetrayed.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Phil: So, you don't work for the government and you had no idea that these people were teachers from the local rec center?
Justin: No. I was simply attending a dinner party at my friend's house.
Phil: Why is he here, Miss Knope?
Leslie Knope: That will become clear. Mr. Anderson, could you please describe that evening?
Justin: Well, I had a very pleasant time. And from my perspective, there was no abuse of power with respect to Miss Knope and any of her various guests.
Leslie Knope: Could you define pleasant? Did you have a good time? Did you have a great time? Be specific, and do remember that you're under oath.
Justin: I had an amazing time.
Leslie Knope: But you fell asleep.
Justin: Oh, God. I'm so sorry. You know, look, I'd been given a case the night before, so I had to stay up all night working on it and I didn't want to cancel.
Leslie Knope: You should've told me. I would've rescheduled.
Justin: Are you kidding me? I was looking forward to it. I had an awesome time which had nothing to do with the rec center teachers.
Leslie Knope: No further questions.

Quote from Tom

Justin: Tommy Hav.
Tom: J Train! What's up, brother?
Justin: This might be none of my business, but... you need to ask Wendy out. For reals, this time.
Tom: Did Leslie tell you...
Justin: No. She didn't need to. I saw it.
Tom: I'm not gay, but you're the most incredible man I've ever met.
Justin: That doesn't sound gay at all.

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