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Bowling for Votes

‘Bowling for Votes’

Season 4, Episode 13 - Aired January 26, 2012

Leslie can't get past one man's negative feedback in a focus group, so her campaign hosts a bowling night to show she's approachable. Meanwhile, April, Andy, Chris, Jerry and Donna hit the phones to fundraise for Leslie's campaign, and Ron is outraged by Tom's bowling style.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: I'd like to first start by saying thank you for coming. And on behalf of Ben Wyatt and everyone involved in my campaign, I'm very sorry for what happened at the Rock n' Roll Bowling Alley last night. You know what? No, I'm not. [scoffs] I... I'm not sorry. This guy was drunk, and he was aggressive. And he was rude, and he was foul-mouthed. And he called me by my second least favorite term for a woman, and my campaign manager punched him. I do not condone violence, but I have to be honest, it was awesome. And my campaign manager and I made out a lot afterward. Ah, I probably shouldn't have said that. But that's what happened. Derek hates me, and I don't particularly like him. So what's the point, right, Derek?
Derek: I feel like you're being kind of a bitch right now.
Leslie Knope: See? So I'm not going to apologize. And if people won't vote for me because of that, well, there's nothing I can do about it. But you should be warned. If you do not vote for me, my boyfriend might beat you up. Now if anyone has any questions about the issues facing our city, I'm right here.


Quote from Leslie Knope

Ben: See, a lot of people don't vote with their brains. They vote with their guts. I know you're fun, and you can have a good time. The public needs to see that.
Leslie Knope: Well, then maybe the campaign should host a bowling night.
Ben: Hmm.
Leslie Knope: It would be laid-back. Everyone having fun, great photo op.
Ben: That could actually work.
Leslie Knope: Also I'm really good at bowling.
Ben: No, I don't think I believe you. Is there anyone I can ask?
Leslie Knope: Yeah. Ask Ron. Oh, okay. You're kidding.

Quote from April

Jerry: All right, it is time for the 12th Leslie Knope Fundraising Phone Bank. Is everybody feeling good?
April: Oh, I don't know, Jerry. It's Sunday night, I'm making phone calls to strangers, and you're in my house. My life couldn't be worse.
Chris: [tapping on sliding door] Hey! Let's get this phone party started.
April: No.

Quote from Andy

Jerry: I know this kind of thing can be a grind, but Ben said that this is the most important thing we can do to help Leslie. So tonight is going to be fun. You're probably thinking, how could it possibly be fun? [laughter]
Chris: No one's thinking that.
Andy: I kinda was.
Chris: I was not.
Andy: Why are we laughing?

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: Do I look laid-back?
Ann: You look like you're trying to look laid-back.
Leslie Knope: How about now?
Ann: I think just... maybe just stand how you would normally stand.
Leslie Knope: Okay. I forget now.

Quote from Andy

Andy: [on the phone] No, I don't think we can accept donations over $50.

Quote from Jerry

Jerry: [on the phone] I don't really know why you would need my social security number, but... well, yeah, no. You're right. I guess it couldn't hurt to give it to you. It's 210...

Quote from April

Chris: Ha ha! $100.
Jerry: Whoa.
Chris: This is unbelievable. I cannot be stopped. [sings] Come on now get some money Come on, April get an earpiece Come on do it
[aside to camera:]
April: I don't care about that prize, but I'm gonna win because I want his happiness to go away. [sighs]

Quote from Leslie Knope

Ben: Hey, is that the guy from the... from the focus group?
Leslie Knope: Huh. I don't know.
Ben: I think it is.
Leslie Knope: Is it?
Ben: Excuse me, sir, would you mind telling me how you heard about the event tonight?
Derek: Oh, uh, I got a weird invitation in the mail.
Ben: I didn't realize we were sending out invitations.
Leslie Knope: Oh.
Derek: Hey, you're that girl from the focus group thing I did.
Leslie Knope: Oh, I wouldn't know. I'm never on the other side of the glass with those things.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: Whoa, "thar" she bowls. I'm Leslie Knope. You wanna bowl? You wanna bowl together? You wanna be, like, bowl buddies?
Derek: Sure.
Leslie Knope: Great, just a casual game, you know? No biggie.
Derek: You okay? My sister has scoliosis, and I think you might, you know...
Leslie Knope: Oh, no. No, I'm just... I'm just being cas. What are you rocking? A 15 pounder?
Derek: 16.
Leslie Knope: Whoa, hey, good for you. Oh, there they are. I just ordered some wings for us. You like wings?
Derek: Love them.
Leslie Knope: Really? Who knew?
[aside to camera:]
Leslie Knope: I knew. [holds up big binder]

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