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Mr. Monk Goes to the Hospital

‘Mr. Monk Goes to the Hospital’

Season 5, Episode 16 - Aired March 2, 2007

After Monk goes to the hospital with a nose bleed, he seeks a second opinion and finds a doctor murdered in his office.

Quote from Natalie

Natalie: Alex, I'm so sorry. You are so great, but I have to go.
Alex: You're leaving?
Natalie: My boss needs me.
Alex: Uh, how do you know?
Natalie: He always needs me. I'm sorry.


Quote from Adrian Monk

Natalie: Another step. We're almost there. One step at a time. You're being so brave.
Adrian Monk: Tell them I'm a former police officer.
Natalie: You tell 'em yourself. Okay, here we go.
Receptionist: No, you can't bring them here. We're out of beds. Where I'm gonna put them, on the roof? Well, try St. Barnabus. They might have room.
Adrian Monk: What's she doing?
Natalie: She's holding up a finger.
Adrian Monk: The bad finger?
Natalie: No, Mr. Monk, the pointy finger.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Receptionist: Cause of injury?
Adrian Monk: I was putting away my ironing board, which is normally a two-person job.
Natalie: Mr. Monk, it's my day off. It still is.
Receptionist: An ironing board. I need your insurance card. Fill this out, both sides.
Adrian Monk: Former police officer.
Natalie: He's a former police officer.
Receptionist: I appreciate that, but he has to wait, just like everybody else. You and your husband can have a seat over there.
Natalie: We're not married.
Receptionist: Congratulations. Have a seat.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: Wait a second. Hey, wait, wait. Excuse me. I- I was here before him.
Receptionist: That man has a head wound.
Adrian Monk: This is a head wound.
Receptionist: That is not a head wound.
Adrian Monk: Actually, it is, technically.
Receptionist: You have a bloody nose.
Adrian Monk: It's a wound, and it's on my head. Do you have a dictionary back there? What is she doing?
Natalie: Now it's the bad finger. Let's sit down.

Quote from Natalie

Natalie: [on the phone] Yes, I promise, I will definitely be there. Okay, let's synchronize our watches.
Adrian Monk: I'm allergic to tetracycline.
Natalie: [to Monk] Yeah, I know, Mr. Monk.
Adrian Monk: One dose of tetracycline will kill me.
Natalie: Yeah, look, I have it right here. Allergies: tetracycline. [on the phone] I will probably beat you there. I'm right around the corner. I'm at St. Mark's Hospital. Emergency room. Oh, it's not me, it's my boss. It's a bloody nose. [laughs] I know.

Quote from Natalie

Natalie: I need to tell you something. Don't freak out, but I've made some plans, and I'm just gonna go for a couple of hours.
Adrian Monk: No, you can't leave. You can't leave me here.
Natalie: You're in really good hands. It's a really great hospital. And I mean, come on, it's not like it's life or death. It's a nosebleed.
Adrian Monk: How can you say that? I've lost a gallon of blood. I'm hemorrhaging.
Natalie: You are not hemorrhaging. Look, I've already cancelled on this guy three times because of... Well, because of you.

Quote from Benjy Fleming

Natalie: Okay, Mr. Monk, come on, please. I have been on call for 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and I'm exhausted. I mean, it's my first day off in what, two months? And this date, this guy-- it's important to me.
Adrian Monk: Oh, God. God.
Natalie: All right, but I mean, if you really, really want me to stay, I'll stay.
Adrian Monk: I want you to stay.
Natalie: I can't stay. Okay, I'll leave my phone on, all right? I will be back in just a couple hours. Okay, bye.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Woman: A nosebleed, huh?
Adrian Monk: Uh-huh.
Woman: My stepbrother had the same thing. It turned out to be a cerebral hemorrhage. He was dead in a week.
Receptionist: Adrian Monk.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Dr. Souter: A cerebral hemorrhage? Who told you that?
Adrian Monk: A very prominent patient. I didn't get her name.
Dr. Kroger: Well, I have to respectfully disagree. What you have is a simple rupture of the olfactory membrane. Your basic nosebleed.
Adrian Monk: I think I should be admitted, just for a few days, so you can be sure.
Dr. Souter: I'm gonna cauterize it. Tilt your head back.
Adrian Monk: Here's the thing. She said that her stepbrother had the exact same symptoms. And here's the thing. It feels like a cerebral hemorrhage.
Dr. Souter: Mr. Monk, I've seen a cerebral hemorrhage. I interned with Graydon Whitcomb for two years.
Adrian Monk: Who's that?
Dr. Souter: He's the head of neurotrauma.
Adrian Monk: Let's call him.
Dr. Souter: I'll tell you what, if this doesn't work, I will take you upstairs to see Dr. Whitcomb. Okay?

Quote from Adrian Monk

CSI Technician: Captain.
Captain Stottlemeyer: What do you got?
CSI Technician: There may have been somebody else here. Look at that blood spatter.
Adrian Monk: Uh, no, no, that was me. Sorry.
Captain Stottlemeyer: You still bleeding?
Adrian Monk: Yeah.
Captain Stottlemeyer: What'd the doctor say?
Adrian Monk: Well, she cauterized it, but I don't think-
Captain Stottlemeyer: Sometimes you gotta cauterize 'em again, Monk. I used to get nosebleeds all the time.
Adrian Monk: I'm not sure it is a nosebleed.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Well, what else could it be?
Adrian Monk: Well, that's what I was gonna ask him.

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