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The Wedding (Part 1)

‘The Wedding (Part 1)’

Season 5, Episode 23 -  Aired May 14, 2014

When Mitchell and Cameron's big day finally arrives, wedding planner Pepper Saltzman is put to the test by an unexpected series of events. Jay and Gloria play host to Cameron's parents, Barb and Merle. Meanwhile, Alex shepherds Phil around after an eye exam, and Claire picks Luke up from camp.

Quote from Lily

Lily: I just thought of something. What's going on with my hair today?
Mitchell: Daddy's going to do it up really pretty with flowers.
Lily: Not you, right?
Mitchell: No, other daddy.
Lily: Oh, thank God.


Quote from Mitchell

Mitchell: We just need to get in touch with the owner. Y-you, uh, you know his name, right? It's Aziz something? Cameron: Oh, oh. It's it's uh, no, it's a-Amir.
Mitchell: It's it's not Amir, no.
Cameron: Oh, no, it's, uh, Ahmad.
Mitchell: It's Achmed.
Cameron: No. Oh, it's on the ticket.
Mitchell: Now I'm just feeling racist. What is it?
Cameron: Here it is. It's Jerry.
Mitchell: J- Oh, Jerry.
Cameron: Amari.
Mitchell: Jerry Amari. There you go.

Quote from Phil

Alex: Can we just get the gift and get out of here?
Phil: Right, but first things first. Let's put on some funny hats, act like they're not there, and then walk around all serious.
Alex: What's the point of this?
Phil: That's good. You're nailing it.

Quote from Luke

Claire: So, did you have fun?
Luke: Yeah.
Claire: What was your favorite thing?
Luke: I don't remember.
Claire: It was yesterday.
Luke: Hot dogs. Can we go now?
Claire: Honey, I feel bad that you have to leave early. What are you missing today?
Luke: Boating.
Claire: Well, I mean, we have a little time.
Luke: You don't mind waiting in the car?

Quote from Jay

Jay: Hey, Howard, Larry. This is my, uh... This is my friend Merle and he's visiting from Missouri.
Howard: Ooh, the "show me" state.
Jay: Don't say that in here!

Quote from Jay

Larry: So, what brings you to town, Merle?
Merle Tucker: Well, uh... My... Our... Jay's and my kids are getting married today.
Howard: Congratulations.
Larry: Isn't that nice? Father of the bride, father of the groom taking a steam together the day of the wedding.
Jay: Yeah, something like that.
Larry: The day my son got married piece of cake. But the day I lost my little girl, oh, that wrecked me. So, which one of you has to suffer through that today?
Merle Tucker: You know what? It's too hot in here.
Jay: Yeah.
Merle Tucker: Let's go.
Jay: Mm-hmm. Real evolved. Your swans would be ashamed.

Quote from Gloria

Barb Tucker: Well, I guess I first noticed it after Pameron moved out, and Merle and I just started sniping at each other.
Gloria: Yeah, like that bloodbath this morning?
Barb Tucker: Oh, again, I am so sorry. But Merle is not the type you can talk to about things. I mean, the man's had a toothpick in his mouth our whole marriage, and I can't say a word.
Gloria: No, you can't sit on your feelings. You will explode! I have, like, 10 little explosions every day, so I don't have the big one. The women in my family, sometimes, they shoot their husbands.
Barb Tucker: Well, we've had 48 good years. I guess we're just gonna run out the clock.
Gloria: No! You're still... You have... That is bad attitude!

Quote from Jay

Gloria: You have to tell Merle what is bothering you.
Barb Tucker: Oh, he doesn't want to hear all that. He gets all closed off and macho.
[cut to:]
Merle Tucker: [giggling] You're ticklin' my piggies.
Jay: You get used to that.

Quote from Jay

Merle Tucker: It's a shame Mitchell's mother couldn't make it to the wedding.
Jay: For who?
Merle Tucker: Mm, things still rough between the two of you?
Jay: Merle, things have always been rough. That woman never stopped complaining. Finding the strength to leave Dede was the hardest thing I ever did, but the best decision I ever made.
Merle Tucker: Well, you sure made a score with that Gloria. Wow.
Jay: Big-time.
Merle Tucker: I bet you landed her before she got a gander at those hooves of yours. [laughs]
Jay: You're welcome, by the way.

Quote from Haley

Andy: Yep, that's my Beth. She's pretty. Yeah. She's the most beautiful creature, inside and out. I'm just the luckiest guy ever to get to love her.
Haley: Okay, she may be real, but no way you are. Who talks like that?
Andy: You know, I hate when you say things like that because you are funny, and you are pretty, and you are smart in an original way, so why shouldn't a guy feel lucky to love you?
Haley: Shut up. Be normal.

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