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Ringmaster Keifth

‘Ringmaster Keifth’

Season 8, Episode 10 - Aired January 4, 2017

After his Thanksgiving culinary debacle, Cameron decides to treat the family to a New Year's Day feast with a whole roasted pig. When the meal threatens to become another disaster, Cameron convinces Mitchell to use his "concierge gift card" to requisition a replacement pig. Unfortunately, the concierge turns out to be Cameron's ex-boyfriend, Keifth, who left without saying goodbye. Meanwhile, Phil is uncomfortable when his dad, Frank, comes to town with Phil's former babysitter. Meanwhile, Jay and Gloria confront the difficult question of who should raise Joe if anything were to happen to them.

Quote from Mitchell

Cameron: Call and cancel.
Mitchell: Then who's gonna save your dinner? Besides, we don't even know if the concierge is actually Keifth.
Cameron: I'm gonna forget the velvety baritone that abandoned me in the middle of the night? And plus, he walks in here, I lose it, I don't want Lily to see that.
Mitchell: Oh, she's not here. She has that sleepover, and she already leffffth.


Quote from Jay

Gloria: What about Phil and Claire to take care of Joe?
Jay: I don't know. Isn't Phil kind of silly?
Gloria: What are you talking about? Phil is a great father. He's kind. He's fun. Even Lily likes him.
Jay: But is he too likeable? Where's the gravitas?
Gloria: He's full of energy. He's sensitive, and he never, ever gets grumpy.
Jay: Fine. Why don't you give Joe to Super Dad right now, then?

Quote from Gloria

Gloria: Oh, my God, are you really jealous because Phil might be a better father than you?
Jay: I know it's stupid. Not to mention the fact that Joe gets Claire in the deal. She's a fantastic mother. Runs a company, hell of a role model. He could never do better than that for a mother.
Gloria: You know what, Phil and Claire have already raised their kids. I think it's time for them to travel.

Quote from Haley

Haley: There must be a bus stop nearby. Until then, just act normal like we don't have [whispering] $40,000 on us.
Alex: Okay, why are you whispering only part of a sentence? That's going to attract attention.
Haley: Really? More than you being covered in sweat? Because you look like a sauna wall.
Alex: You're right. How do I make myself stop sweating?
Haley: [crying] I don't know!
Alex: Oh, don't cry. Crying's worse than sweating. [crying] Oh look, now I'm crying too!
Haley: Maybe we can smile our way out of this. [both sobbing]

Quote from Frank

Claire: Well, Frank, I'm really sorry about that hose thing.
Frank: Oh, no hard feelings. Shirt needed freshening anyway. I haven't washed it since we stopped to take pictures at Smokey-Top, Utah's longest, continuously burning tire fire.

Quote from Cameron

Cameron: Mitchell, sorry to interrupt. I didn't know you were with a common worker.
Keifth Banks: Can it be?
Cameron: Hmm?
Keifth Banks: Cameron Tucker.
Cameron: Yes. I'm sorry. You are?
Keifth Banks: Keifth.
Cameron: Keifth. I-I don't believe I know...

Quote from Frank

Frank: It's like I said in my wedding toast that bride of yours is fearless.
Phil: Yeah. Funny thing is, we went to an amusement park earlier today and she was too scared to get on this one ride. Or she pretended to be so that I wouldn't have to admit how scared I was. I have a hunch that she's not the only one who's trying to protect my feelings today.
Frank: You seem to be rambling, son.
Phil: When you hugged Claire earlier, she felt a ring box in your pocket.
Frank: What? That wasn't a ring box. It was... Where am I? I'm so old and confused.

Quote from Phil

Frank: Son, can we please not do this?
Phil: Fine. Knock, knock.
Frank: That's more like it. Who's there?
Phil: Your son.
Frank: Your son, who?
Phil: Your son who'd hate to think you threw away a shot at happiness just to protect his feelings.

Quote from Alex

Haley: Here it is. All here. Just take it from me.
Alex: That's the most stress I've ever felt, and I spent two weeks underground as part of an isolation study.

Quote from Phil

[Peacock squawks]
Haley: Oh, my God! Look!
Gloria: What?
Keifth Banks: Cast your spell, nature's kaleidoscope!
Haley: Why is there a blue turkey going into the house?
Alex: It's a peacock.
Phil: It's really plowing through the Cheez-Its.

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