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Season 5, Episode 1 - Aired November 2, 2003

After Hal has a dream about winning a fortune on a slot machine, he jumps at the chance to enter Dewey's rabbit in a national competition in Sin City. Malcolm feels bad after telling Lois she embarrasses him so he treats her to tickets to see her favorite musician, Boone Vincent (David Cassidy). Meanwhile, Francis can't stop screwing up on the ranch.

Quote from Dewey

Dewey: Once again, we're very sorry about all the trouble we caused. I know there's no way we can make up for the broken tables, or the paramedics, or the fire, or the guy that was really choking that nobody noticed.


Quote from Lois

Lois: I can't believe this is actually happening! I can smell his cologne out here! Oh, my God, I'm next. Does my hair look okay?
Malcolm: Compared to his?
Boone Vincent: Hello, sweetheart. Thank you for your support. It means so much to me.
Lois: No, thank you for your music. Especially, um, "Cinnamon Rainbow." That is my all-time favorite.
Boone Vincent: Really? Mine, too, but no one's ever told me that before. [Lois squeals] Come in.

Quote from Lois

Boone Vincent: You mean he actually said he didn't want you at his awards ceremony?
Lois: I can handle his being mad at me, but this was...
Boone Vincent: Oh, right to the old love pump.
Lois: That's how I got to see your show. My son bought tickets to try to make it up to me.
Boone Vincent: [chuckles] That's not an olive branch. That's the whole damn tree. Ah, it's like I say when I'm in the astronaut suit... "I believe the children are our future."
Lois: I do, too.
Boone Vincent: You can't really take what they say too seriously. They're teenagers. [touches up make-up] I'll let you in on a little secret, Lois... [sprays hair] Even my 14-year-old is embarrassed by me.
Lois: No.
Boone Vincent: I know. Hard to believe, isn't it? But you can't hold onto the past, Lois. You've got to live in the here and now. Because the here and now is a special, special gift. That's why I call it... the present.

Quote from Gretchen

Gretchen: There you are!
Otto: Thank God!
Francis: How did you find us?
Piama: We just followed the fire.
Francis: What fire?
Gretchen: One of the cows got through the gate you didn't fix.
Piama: And it knocked over one of the heat lamps you never took in.
Gretchen: Which set fire to the trail of gasoline from the open can in the back of your truck. Which, by the way, also is on fire.
Otto: Ah, you see, Francis? You thought you were a screwup.

Quote from Francis

Piama: What happened to you?
Francis: Some idiot forgot to top off the oil in the tractor, and the whole damn engine blew.
Piama: Well, whose job is that?
Francis: Mine. I'm telling you, this whole ranch is a disaster. The furnace is clogged. The generator's out of diesel. Even the gate to the cow pen is falling apart.
Piama: All those things are your responsibility. I don't know what's going on with you lately, but you'd better get it together. Otto's a pretty easygoing boss, but even he has limits.

Quote from Malcolm

Lois: Oh, my God, would you look at this? What does Reese do to his underpants?
Malcolm: There's not enough money in the world to make me look up.

Quote from Lois

Lois: What's this? "Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Science"? From the state?
Malcolm: It's nothing. They hand these out like candy.
Lois: Don't be so modest. It's wonderful, and I think it proves my point about you not getting that earring.
Malcolm: How does that...?

Quote from Hal

Hal: Las Vegas?! What's in Las Vegas?
Dewey: A chance for Reese to make me look like a jerk in front of the entire country.
Hal: Well, don't you worry, son. We won't miss that. Of course we'll go to Vegas! Did you hear that, Malcolm? This is another sign! All I have to do is cash in our life insurance policy to pay for the trip...
Malcolm: Dad, are you sure you want to...?
Hal: Son, you don't need life insurance when you're a kajillionaire. It doesn't make fiscal sense.
Malcolm: Maybe you want to run your plan by Mom first.
Hal: I will. I will. I just want to be careful about it. But if I explain it in just the right way...
[cut to:]
Lois: A $1,000 bonus from work. Hal, I am so proud of you.
Hal: Hey, considering the $12 million I saved them with my idea for outsourcing... flux capacitors, it was the least they can do.

Quote from Malcolm

Lois: And part of that roast is for you, Malcolm... Mr. State Science Achievement.
Malcolm: Yeah, it, it was nothing.
Reese: Is that what that big ceremony at school was for?
Lois: Reese, what ceremony? There was a ceremony?
Reese: Yeah, the mayor was there, and we all got out of school. [to Malcolm] Stop kicking me! I'll get to the news crew in a second.
Lois: Malcolm, how could you not tell us about something so important? We're your parents.
Malcolm: You're overreacting. It wasn't a big deal.
Lois: That's not for you to decide! How can you be so selfish?
Malcolm: I wasn't being selfish. I just didn't want you there because you em...[slow-motion]..barrass... [to camera] Abort! Abort! [slow-motion]
Lois: Oh. Okay. At least I know.

Quote from Hal

Lois: Hal, look! Boone Vincent is playing in Las Vegas.
Dewey: Who's Boone Vincent?
Hal: Your mom's boyfriend.
Lois: Stop it.
Hal: You would not believe this jackass, boys. Women go crazy for him.
Lois: He plays every instrument in the orchestra. He sings in four languages. And you like him just as much as I do!
Hal: Oh, please, I just said that to get you into bed. That... when, that time you were so sick and you needed your rest.

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