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Quote from Hal in Vegas

Hal: Las Vegas?! What's in Las Vegas?
Dewey: A chance for Reese to make me look like a jerk in front of the entire country.
Hal: Well, don't you worry, son. We won't miss that. Of course we'll go to Vegas! Did you hear that, Malcolm? This is another sign! All I have to do is cash in our life insurance policy to pay for the trip...
Malcolm: Dad, are you sure you want to...?
Hal: Son, you don't need life insurance when you're a kajillionaire. It doesn't make fiscal sense.
Malcolm: Maybe you want to run your plan by Mom first.
Hal: I will. I will. I just want to be careful about it. But if I explain it in just the right way...
[cut to:]
Lois: A $1,000 bonus from work. Hal, I am so proud of you.
Hal: Hey, considering the $12 million I saved them with my idea for outsourcing... flux capacitors, it was the least they can do.

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