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Lorelai's Graduation Day

‘Lorelai's Graduation Day’

Season 2, Episode 21 - Aired May 14, 2002

As Lorelai's graduation from community college approaches, Rory invites her grandparents to attend the ceremony against her mother's wishes. On the big day, Rory cuts school and goes to New York to see Jess.

Quote from Rory

Rory: Grandma, Grandpa, I would like to propose an idea to you. You can go for it or not. It's entirely up to you. But I would like for you to promise me that you will not get upset.
Emily: We won't get upset.
Rory: And that you will try to keep an open mind.
Emily: All right.
Rory: And that you will let me finish my presentation completely before you respond.
Emily: [to Richard] She's been hanging around you far too much.
Richard: Rory, we accept your terms. Please proceed.
Rory: Thank you.


Quote from Lorelai

Rory: Okay, here's an interesting question for you. "Have you given any thought to how children will work into your future plans?"
Lorelai: Oh, well, they're not gonna stand in my way, that's for sure. I mean, I plan to have some, of course, but I'm just gonna knock them out and have nanny catch them and care for them make sure Mick Jagger doesn't come anywhere near them and then return them to me when they're 21.
Rory: Well, what about me?
Lorelai: You are my favorite eldest child. You get to stay by my side.
Rory: I feel so privileged. [phone rings] I'll get it.
Lorelai: Now, if that's Mick Jagger, hang up, and blow that whistle I gave you.

Quote from Jess

Rory: [on the phone] So, what have you been doing?
Jess: Nothing much, just hanging out, in the park mostly.
Rory: Central Park?
Jess: Washington Square Park. It's cooler. It's where David Lee Roth got busted.
Rory: Right. Right. I hope he's got it together now.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: I have newspaper stuff after school. But no later than 6:00.
Lorelai: And then we'll go out to eat after?
Rory: Anyplace you want. It's on me.
Lorelai: You don't have to do that.
Rory: You're a graduate. You get to be pampered.
Lorelai: Then I'd like to go to Chateau Jean Georges La Jean Georges in Paris.
Rory: I'll look it up in Daggit and book the Concorde. I got to go.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Hey, try to seat us next to a celebrity on the Concorde, like Sting or Screech or someone.
Rory: I'll try.

Quote from Paris

Paris: So I told her, "Look, missy"-
Rory: You called your advisor "missy"?
Paris: It was attitudinal. I said, "I'm not taking AP Calculus from Henemen. I'm going with Branch. Branch is a graduate of MIT, and Henemen went to Berkeley." Berkeley, I mean... He may have majored in Math, but what did he minor in, bean sprouts?' And I'm telling my advisor all this and I look down in her trash can and there's this half-eaten banana in there. Nothing else. And I pictured her sitting in this shoebox of an office, eating a banana all by herself and I almost felt sorry for her. And then she questioned my judgment about Berkeley, so I eviscerated her. I mean, she was welling up at the end, but she had the decency to hold it in until I was gone. I have enough faculty recommendations to run for Student Council so I don't need her anyway. My locker's this way.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: [on the phone] And it's all for me?
Christopher: All for you.
Lorelai: Chris, wow. Ah. A $25 savings bond.
Christopher: That's a long-term investment. Don't touch it for 30 years, you're looking at $45.
Lorelai: Ooh, a youth hostel card.
Christopher: For the young girl who doesn't mind sharing a bathroom with strangers.
Lorelai: What Color Is Your Parachute? A practical manual for job hunters.
Christopher: Helping you answer the question, "What you wanna do and where you wanna do it."
Lorelai: Ooh, a DVD of The Graduate. Got to have that.
Lorelai: The Portable Nietzsche.
Christopher: Light, cheery reading.
Lorelai: An application to join the armed forces.
Christopher: Well, if your dreams don't pan out and Nietzsche's no help, it's a viable option.

Quote from Rory

Rory: I feel very urban today.
Jess: Oh, yeah, the plaid just screams urban.
Rory: I think I look like a native.
Jess: How well do you know Manhattan?
Rory: I've been here a few times. We saw the Bangles here.
Jess: When was that, 20 years ago?
Rory: It was a reunion, and they were great.
Jess: Yeah, they're okay.
Rory: And a couple of years ago, Mom drove us in to shop. And she couldn't find a good parking place, and all of the lots were total rip-offs. So she kept making U-turns and cutting off taxis and we were being screamed at in so many different languages that we just turned around and drove home and bought a Hummel at the curio shop in Stars Hollow.

Quote from Emily

Emily: Lorelai, I'm perfectly capable of handling this. No one will be inconvenienced.
Lorelai: Okay. I'm just gonna let everyone deal with all of this because I need to relax and get a cup of coffee and maybe hammer a nail into my head.
Emily: You're not needed here, Lorelai. Go get your coffee. Relax. You're going to redo your makeup later, aren't you?
Lorelai: Maybe an Irish coffee.

Quote from Rory

Rory: Look.
Jess: The Go-Go's. You must have that one.
Rory: No. For my mom. This was her favorite group when she was my age. And it's signed by Belinda. This would be the perfect graduation present. I've been looking for something all week long, and I couldn't find anything. Now I have Belinda.
Jess: Graduation?
Rory: Oh, from college. From business classes.
Jess: I'm surprised she has time for anything except lighting darts on fire and throwing them at my picture.
Rory: Well, it's not a lot of time, but...

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