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Quote from Paris in Lorelai's Graduation Day

Paris: So I told her, "Look, missy"-
Rory: You called your advisor "missy"?
Paris: It was attitudinal. I said, "I'm not taking AP Calculus from Henemen. I'm going with Branch. Branch is a graduate of MIT, and Henemen went to Berkeley." Berkeley, I mean... He may have majored in Math, but what did he minor in, bean sprouts?' And I'm telling my advisor all this and I look down in her trash can and there's this half-eaten banana in there. Nothing else. And I pictured her sitting in this shoebox of an office, eating a banana all by herself and I almost felt sorry for her. And then she questioned my judgment about Berkeley, so I eviscerated her. I mean, she was welling up at the end, but she had the decency to hold it in until I was gone. I have enough faculty recommendations to run for Student Council so I don't need her anyway. My locker's this way.

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