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The One with the Soap Opera Party

‘The One with the Soap Opera Party’

Season 9, Episode 20 - Aired April 24, 2003

Joey hosts a party for his soap opera co-stars and tries to keep it from his friends. Meanwhile, Ross is delighted to meet a stunning paleontology professor.

Quote from Joey

Rachel: What's wrong with these guys?
Joey: Well, nothing major. It's just that, you know, they're not really good enough for you and you deserve the best.
Rachel: Joey, you're so sweet.
Joey: It's true, but, you know what, it doesn't matter. I already know who you're going home with tonight.
Rachel: Who?
Joey: Me.
Rachel: What? Really?
Joey: Yeah, because we live together. It's a joke! It's a joke.
Rachel: Right. That's funny. I get it. Got you. You're funny, Joey.


Quote from Chandler

Chandler: So how did you enjoy the play?
Monica: Oh, my God. Honey, I am so, so, so, so sorry.
Chandler: Well, you should be. You missed the most powerful three hours in the history of the theater.
Monica: You really liked it?
Chandler: Oh, yeah. I mean, at first I hated it. But why wouldn't I? Because as a man, I've been trained not to listen! But after Chapter 16: Fat, Single and Ready to Mingle, I was uplifted.
Monica: Oh, really?
Chandler: Oh, yeah. I had no idea the amazing journey you go through as a woman. Tell me- Tell me about your first period.
Monica: No!
Chandler: Did somebody sign your bra?
Monica: So I got it when I was 13. Very difficult.

Quote from Phoebe

Phoebe: Hey, Ross? So listen, about you and the dinosaur girl? Are you really just gonna let a couple of Nobel Prizes scare you off? What is that? Come on, a piece of paper?
Ross: It's actually a million-dollar prize.
Phoebe: Go, Charlie!

Quote from Ross

Phoebe: But my point is okay, so she dated them, but she also broke up with them. Maybe she's looking to, you know, slum it with some average Joe Ph.D.
Ross: Yeah, maybe, and I do have my whole career in front of me. I mean I could still win a Nobel Prize. Although the last two papers I've written were widely discredited.

Quote from Rachel

Rachel: I just wanted to let you know I've changed my mind. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna kiss Joey.
Monica: No. You can't. Friends hooking up is a bad idea.
Rachel: Please. What about you and Chandler?
Monica: That's different. I was drunk and stupid.
Rachel: Well, hello?

Quote from Ross

Ross: Hey, Rach, have you seen Charlie anywhere? I'm smarter than him!

Quote from Phoebe

Phoebe: I know! I know. We can drive. We can vote. We can work. What more do these broads want?

Quote from Ross

Charlie: It's good to meet you. Thank you so much for taking the time to show me around.
Ross: No, it's no big deal. I mean, if I weren't doing this, I'd just, you know, be at the gym working out.

Quote from Monica

Monica: Oh, my God. Kyle Lowder!
Kyle Lowder: Hi.
Monica: I love you!

Quote from Rachel

Joey: Damn, that's a lot of guys. Are you a little slutty?
Rachel: I think I am.

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