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Quote from Chandler in The One with the Soap Opera Party

Chandler: So how did you enjoy the play?
Monica: Oh, my God. Honey, I am so, so, so, so sorry.
Chandler: Well, you should be. You missed the most powerful three hours in the history of the theater.
Monica: You really liked it?
Chandler: Oh, yeah. I mean, at first I hated it. But why wouldn't I? Because as a man, I've been trained not to listen! But after Chapter 16: Fat, Single and Ready to Mingle, I was uplifted.
Monica: Oh, really?
Chandler: Oh, yeah. I had no idea the amazing journey you go through as a woman. Tell me- Tell me about your first period.
Monica: No!
Chandler: Did somebody sign your bra?
Monica: So I got it when I was 13. Very difficult.

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