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The One with All the Cheesecakes

‘The One with All the Cheesecakes’

Season 7, Episode 11 - Aired January 4, 2001

Chandler and Rachel get hooked on cheesecakes which were meant for someone else. David is in New York for just one night, but Phoebe has already made plans with Joey. Monica is upset that she wasn't invited to her cousin's wedding.

Quote from Rachel

Rachel: You gonna give me some of your piece?
Chandler: Oh, no, no. No switching, no sharing. And don't come crying to me. Ha, ha, ha. I may just sit here and have my cake all day. Just sit here in the hallway and eat my- [Rachel knocks Chandler's piece to the floor]


Quote from Ross

Aunt Millie: Ross, sweetheart.
Ross: Oh, hey, Aunt Millie.
Aunt Millie: Isn't it a beautiful wedding?
Ross: Yes, it is. [Aunt Millie kisses Ross] Every time, on the lips! Why? Why on the lips?

Quote from David

Phoebe: Of course I would want to see you. I think about you all the time.
David: Really? Because I think about you all the time.
Phoebe: Really?
David: There's a statue in Minsk that reminds me of you so much. I mean, it's actually of Lenin but, you know, at certain angles.

Quote from Chandler

Monica: Oh, my God, I can't believe this. I mean, I knew that Mom and Dad were invited but I thought that was it. I mean, from the ages of 7 to 9, Frannie and I were inseparable.
Chandler: Well, maybe since the age of 9, Frannie's made some new friends.

Quote from Phoebe

Phoebe: Joseph Francis Tribbiani, are you home yet?
Rachel: Um, I think he's still out. What's wrong?
Phoebe: Well, I'll tell you, Rachel Karen Green. I had plans with Joey tonight, and he left me this note.
Rachel: "Pheebs, can't make it. Got a date. Talk to you later. Big Daddy." "Big Daddy"?
Phoebe: Oh, that's a nickname we were trying out.

Quote from Joey

Joey: Hey, you can cancel plans with friends if there's a possibility for sex.
Ross: Phoebe, he's right. That is the rule.

Quote from Rachel

Chandler: The other cheesecake came. They delivered it here again.
Rachel: Just bring it downstairs. What's the problem?
Chandler: I can't seem to say goodbye.
Rachel: Are you serious? Chandler, we ate an entire cake two days ago and you want more?
Chandler: Well, I've forgotten what it tastes like, okay.
Rachel: It was cheesecake. It was fine. It had a buttery, crumbly, graham cracker crust with a very rich yet light cream cheese filling. Wow, my whole mouth just filled with saliva.

Quote from Joey

Joey: Aw. Mel Tormé died.
Monica: Joey, that paper's like a year old.
Joey: Oh, does that mean that the Sam Goody's sale is over?

Quote from Ross

Ross: So, I finally heard back from Aunt Cheryl and apparently it wasn't a mistake. There's limited seating limited seating in the hall.
Monica: Limited seating? I am just one tiny person.
Ross: Well, yeah, but she doesn't know that. I mean, the last time she saw you, you would have turned one of those little wedding chairs into kindling.

Quote from Ross

Ross: What's the big deal? I wasn't even invited to the ceremony, just the reception. And, you know what, if it makes you feel any better, Joan and I will just make an appearance and then we'll leave early as a sign of protest.
Monica: Joan?
Ross: Yeah, Joan Tedeschi, my date. She's an assistant professor in the linguistics department. Tall, very beautiful. And despite what some people say, not broad-backed.

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