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Everybody Hates Drew

‘Everybody Hates Drew’

Season 1, Episode 19 - Aired April 20, 2006

Fed up with Drew being better at everything, Chris takes karate lessons and learns a dangerous move. Meanwhile, Rochelle takes Tonya to the beauty salon, where she enjoys listening to Vanessa (Jackée Harry) gossip.

Quote from Julius

Julius: What are you gonna do with karate, anyway?
Chris: Just in case someone messes with Drew or Tonya, I'm gonna be able to do something.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] My father knew I couldn't fight, but he never said anything about it.
Julius: How much is it gonna cost?
Chris: It's free.
Julius: Oh. All right, go ahead.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] For free, my father would let me learn almost anything.
[fantasy: Chris is standing next to a masked man in front of a chalkboard outside a liquor store:]
Julius: What are you doing?
Chris: Taking "How to Knock Off a Liquor Store" lessons.
Julius: How much does it cost?
Chris: It's free.
Julius: Go ahead.
[Chris takes the gun from the teacher, pulls down his face cap and walks into the liquor store:]
Chris: Get on the floor, now!


Quote from Chris

Mr. Jackson: I am Mr. Jackson, your sensei. Shotokan Karate is a very ancient art of combat. "Karate" literally means "empty hands." Now what we're gonna do here today is learning how to whupp somebody's ass with your empty hands. Matei! Matei!
Chris: So, are we going to be learning how to break boards?
Mr. Jackson: You got something against boards? Huh? What has a board ever done to you? Has a board ever embarrassed you in front of your woman? Asked Yolanda for her phone number and dared you to do something about it? And did you just stand there and watch her get into the boy's car and just drive off?
Chris: Uh... no.
Mr. Jackson: That's why we ain't learning how to break no damn boards.

Quote from Vanessa

Vanessa: Girl, don't tell me, that's your daughter?
Rochelle: Mm, sure is. Isn't she beautiful?
Pam: Yeah, she's big, huh?
Vanessa: Ooh, she sure is. Pretty soon she'll be old enough to date Richard.
Rochelle: Oh, do not tell me his old ass is still chasing after young girls.
Pam: Girl, I thought you knew.
Vanessa: They're the only ones dumb enough not to run when they see him coming. He old, he broke. He need a fool.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] There's one thing that you get at the beauty shop that you don't have to pay for: good gossip.

Quote from Rochelle

Vanessa: And I heard Peggy. She said that she caught them in her house.
Rochelle: Wait! In her- In her house?
Pam: Yes.
Rochelle: Well, did she stab him?
Pam: Girl.
Rochelle: 'Cause you know I would have stabbed him.
Pam: Oh, I know you would have stabbed him.

Quote from Adult Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Even with a broken hand, Drew still managed to come out on top. If I had known you could get this much attention with a cast, I would have let him break my hand.

Quote from Vanessa

Vanessa: I can't believe she repeated all that to Julius.
Rochelle: I didn't even know she was listening. She barely listens to a word I say.
Pam: Rochelle, I am so sorry.
Vanessa: Me, too. From now on, we watch what we say in front of her.
Rochelle: [sighs] Let me go pay half down on our light bill before they close. She'll be okay, though, right?
Pam: Oh, go ahead, she'll be fine.
Vanessa: We'll watch Lil' Miss Nosy for you. [all laugh]

Quote from Rochelle

Rochelle: Tonya, you just can't go around telling our business!
Tonya: Why not? Everybody else does it.
Rochelle: Well, that's different.
Tonya: How?
Rochelle: Well...
Adult Chris: [v.o.] My father was worried about Tonya learning the wrong things, so my mother taught her a few things herself.
Rochelle: Tonya, you're a big girl now, okay? And you got to know that there is no difference between what they said to you and what you said to them. It's still gossip. But you got to remember two things. You talk about other people, not yourself. And number two, what you say in the shop stays in the shop. Got it?
Tonya: So don't tell Daddy.
Rochelle: Right.

Quote from Julius

Julius: Listen, you're going to have to be more careful, if you're going to be doing karate. I know it was just an accident, but you could have really hurt Drew.
Chris: Dad? It wasn't an accident.
Julius: What?
Chris: I hate that Drew can do everything better than me. Tonya even calls on him when she gets in trouble. We were fighting. I tried the handbreaker on him, and I fell.
Julius: Chris, being brothers ain't easy. All right? I had six brothers, and whether you like it or not, somebody is going to be better than you at something. You can't be jealous. He's the only brother you got. Besides, I don't know if you realize it, but he looks up to you.
Chris: He does?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] I didn't realize that no matter how cool your little brother is, he still wants to be like his big brother. It worked out for Keenan and Damon Wayans. Not so great for Eric and Lyle Menendez.
Julius: You need to apologize to your brother, Chris. [Chris gets up] That's my boy.

Quote from Chris

Chris: It was embarrassing. When they heard Drew's name, they ran.
Greg: And you were standing right there?
Chris: Just like I'm standing right here. I've got to do something. I get the crap kicked out of me here. Even my little sister knows I can't fight. That's why I'm gonna ask my mom if I can take karate.
Greg: Why don't you take boxing lessons?
Chris: Nah. If you tell people you can box, then everyone wants to fight.
Greg: How come nobody messes with your brother?
Chris: Because he knows karate, and if they mess with him, they think he might kill them.
Greg: That's perfect. If you learn karate, you'll never have to fight.

Quote from Rochelle

Rochelle: All right, Tonya, hold your ear.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] I imagine this is how it must be before they hit the switch.
Tonya: Ow! You burned my finger!
Rochelle: Well, if you'd be still, that wouldn't happen.
Tonya: Why can't I just go to the beauty shop like you?
Rochelle: You got beauty shop money?
Tonya: No.
Rochelle: All right then. Be still. Your daddy barely wants to pay to get my hair done. I know he's not gonna spend the extra ten dollars to get yours done, especially when I can do it here at home.
Chris: Hey, what's burning?
Tonya: My hair. Ow!
Rochelle: Tonya, stop fidgeting so much. You're moving like a squirrel. Sit still!

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