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Quote from Rochelle in Everybody Hates Drew

Rochelle: All right, Tonya, hold your ear.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] I imagine this is how it must be before they hit the switch.
Tonya: Ow! You burned my finger!
Rochelle: Well, if you'd be still, that wouldn't happen.
Tonya: Why can't I just go to the beauty shop like you?
Rochelle: You got beauty shop money?
Tonya: No.
Rochelle: All right then. Be still. Your daddy barely wants to pay to get my hair done. I know he's not gonna spend the extra ten dollars to get yours done, especially when I can do it here at home.
Chris: Hey, what's burning?
Tonya: My hair. Ow!
Rochelle: Tonya, stop fidgeting so much. You're moving like a squirrel. Sit still!

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