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Norm and Cliff's Excellent Adventure

‘Norm and Cliff's Excellent Adventure’

Season 9, Episode 12 - Aired December 6, 1990

Woody discovers the wonders of the Home Shopping Channel. Meanwhile, Norm and Cliff start playing troublemakers in the bar, leading to an argument between Sam and Frasier.

Quote from Frasier

Lilith: Frasier, darling, today is our monthly luncheon with the Psychoanalytic and Social Therapeutic Practitioners Society. Have you forgotten?
Frasier: Well, let me finish this double, and I might.
Lilith: Now, Doctor.
Frasier: Yeah, well, Lilith, I really can't stand another dry, endless luncheon in some stuffy old restaurant.
Sam: Pretty boring, huh, Fras?
Frasier: Well, let me put it this way, Sam. Lilith is the Dorothy Parker of this particular roundtable.


Quote from Carla

Frasier: I know you fellows favor a more formal atmosphere, but allow me to charm you with the quaint hospitality of my friendly neighborhood tavern.
Lilith: Excuse me, Frasier. I have to go check my messages.
Carla: You got one from Madame Tussauds. "Get back to the museum."

Quote from Sam

Sam: I can't give you back the card, Frasier. I've got to cut it up and send the pieces back to the company.
Frasier: [scoffs] You do not have to do that.
Sam: Yes, I do! They spent a half an hour on just that fact at the seminar at the Sheraton.
Frasier: Sam, I am telling you, you do not have to do that!
Sam: You weren't at the seminar. If I don't do this, they're gonna take my little card thingy away.

Quote from Rebecca

Woody: Miss Howe? Last night the shopping channel was a consumer bonanza, and I took advantage of it. Their loss is your gain. First, I got you a genuine gold-look bracelet with 200 real sapphires.
Rebecca: Oh, Woody. First of all, you have to stop buying me gifts. And second of all, you have to learn that sapphires are blue.
Woody: Okay, but you can't say no to a new and improved snackmaster and a portable solar-powered telephone.
Rebecca: Woody, I cannot accept these. People are going to get the wrong idea.
Woody: What, that I have a crush on you?
Rebecca: No, that I like crap.

Quote from Frasier

Lilith: Now, this is lovely. The baby's with my mother, and there's nothing to disturb our peaceful Eden.
Frasier: You're right, darling, nothing. Except for the burned-in image of Sam cutting my gold card into pieces before my very eyes.
Lilith: You know, Frasier, after listening to you complain about that for the umpteenth time, it's becoming impossible for me to sympathize.
Frasier: [quietly] Of course not. Sympathy is a human emotion.
Lilith: What?
Frasier: Oh, I'm sorry, darling, I'm just lashing out. [quietly] Got off a good one, though.

Quote from Woody

Woody: Look what I just got on the shopping channel. Now, there's only about 2,000 of these little babies left, so a word to the wise. Well?
Rebecca: Well, that's, uh... It's beautiful, Woody. It's a beautiful cow.
Woody: I'll say, and that's not the best part of it. It's also a great clock.
Male Voice: It's [imitates cow bellow] noon.
Sam: What, um... What happens if it's 7:00 o'clock?
Woody: Well, a cow's power of speech are kind of limited, you know. Everything kind of sounds like [imitates cow bellow] noon.
Sam: How do you ever know what time it is?
Woody: Well, it helps if you wear a watch.

Quote from Sam

Sam: I have a good excuse this time. I'm being treated by a dermatologist.
Frasier: Is it anything serious?
Sam: No, no, no I just told her that I had a patch of dry skin, and we stayed up all night looking for it. Found it, too. Four times, by golly.

Quote from Norm

Cliff: Sammy, uh, can we stick to the topic at hand, please?
Norm: Yeah, Sam. I don't mean to make any threats here, but Gary's Old Towne Tavern already opens a half-hour before you do.
Sam: And how do we know that, Norm?
Norm: Hey, who's on trial here, huh?

Quote from Woody

Woody: Look at this. I already got my first package.
Norm: Yeah?
Woody: Huh? It's a toy car and also rewinds videotapes.
Norm: Now, uh, wouldn't a VCR rewind tapes?
Woody: Uh, not the one I bought last night.

Quote from Carla

Rebecca: Excuse me, Carla. Did you read my last memo?
Carla: No.
Rebecca: Well, if you had read it, you would know that we are no longer accepting time cards made out in pencil. From now on, all paperwork must be done in ink.
Carla: Okay.
Rebecca: Did you hear me? Are you acknowledging my memo?
Carla: I heard you! I acknowledge the damn memo! Now would you get out of my face so I can finish this time card? I mean, this isn't easy, you know. My pencil's almost down to the nub.
Rebecca: Well, as long as you're aware of the problem.

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