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Norm and Cliff's Excellent Adventure

‘Norm and Cliff's Excellent Adventure’

Season 9, Episode 12 -  Aired December 6, 1990

Woody discovers the wonders of the Home Shopping Channel. Meanwhile, Norm and Cliff start playing troublemakers in the bar, leading to an argument between Sam and Frasier.

Quote from Norm

Cliff: Oy that's something, eh, Norm? Remember the good old days? When you used to be able to take an argument like that between two gals and turn them into the Jets and the Sharks?
Norm: Tell you what, Cliffie, for you, I'm gonna tee it up one more time.
Cliff: All right.
Norm: Watch this. Rebecca, uh, I noticed your little exchange with Carla over there, and I have to say, I admire your management technique.
Rebecca: Thank you very much, Norm.
Norm: It takes a lot of courage, you know, to humiliate yourself just for the well-being of one employee. If you were a Japanese businessman, I mean, to lose face like that, you'd probably have to commit some sort of ritual suicide, you know? But here in America...
Rebecca: Carla! Come in my office, bring that time card and a pen.
Carla: I'd better be getting a raise. [enters Rebecca's office]
Cliff: Oh, the master returns from his triumphal march to the valley of evil.
Carla: [returns] I got a raise.


Quote from Lilith

Lilith: Frasier, I have to leave. There's been an emergency.
Frasier: Is it Frederick?
Lilith: No, no. Otto, my lab assistant, has gotten into the synthetic hormones again. I have to bail him out. Or her. I won't know until I get there.

Quote from Frasier

Sam: Got a little problem here. l, uh, called to get approval on your credit card here, and they told me it was stolen.
Frasier: Well that's utterly ludicrous, Sam.
Sam: Well, yeah, that's what I told them, but they- they insisted that it is stolen.
Frasier: Yes, I- I knocked myself over the head and stole my own credit card. That's brilliant, Sam. Who would ever suspect me?
Sam: I'm not kidding here. You know, they're very serious about their rules. They told me that I have to cut this up.
Frasier: You wouldn't, Sam!
Sam: I don't want to, no! Tell you what. Um, why don't l, uh, run a tab, huh?
Frasier: Well, I don't need a tab. It's a perfectly good card!
Sam: Well, why don't I just, uh? This is on the house, all right?
Frasier: Oh, fine! Now you're adding insult to injury! Well, I don't take charity! Just give me back my card!

Quote from Norm

Norm: He's blowing off steam. He'll be back.
Sam: Oh, I hope so.
Cliff: Well... [clears throat] I guess we really messed up, huh?
Norm: We learned our lesson, Cliff. We've got to stop messing with people's minds.
Cliff: Yeah, I agree.
Norm: By the way, your fly's open, buddy.
Cliff: [without looking down] Yeah, so's yours. [both laughing]
Norm: You can't expect a guy to go cold turkey, you know. [laughs] You checked, didn't you, Cliff?
Cliff: Oh, yeah, like you weren't looking through the bottom of that beer mug.

Quote from Woody

Woody: You're calling this stuff "crap"?
Rebecca: I'm sorry, Woody.
Woody: No, no, I was looking for the right word.
Rebecca: Well, if you don't like it either, why do you keep buying this stuff?
Woody: Not "stuff," Miss Howe, "crap." I buy it because it looks good on TV. The second they flash that 800 number, I'm dialing.
Rebecca: Woody, this- This has got to stop.
Woody: Well, it- It has stopped, Miss Howe. I went over my credit limit with this crap. Unless, of course, you'd care to advance me six months on my paycheck. Could be another necklace in it for you. And- And if you decide not to give me the advance, just keep the necklace as your free gift.
Rebecca: Woody, you are hooked. Listen to me, you need help.
Woody: I don't need help, I just need more credit. You're right, Miss Howe, I do need help. I'm scared. Help me. Hurry. Act now.

Quote from Cliff

Sam: Well, I just got in touch with Frasier.
Norm: Oh, yeah, what'd he say?
Sam: Well, he said that he considers these phone calls a harassment. If I don't cease and desist, he's gonna get a court order restraining me from coming within 50 feet of him.
Cliff: Restraining order, the last resort of shrinks and housewives in nightgowns.

Quote from Frasier

Lilith: Frasier, get a grip.
Frasier: Oh, you're right, you're right. You know, Sam's done me a favor actually. Instead of spending the night there in his sleazy saloon, I'm... I'm at home here with my love. I'm going to serenade you.
Lilith: Why, Frasier, you haven't done that since... Have you ever done that?
Frasier: Well, I'm doing it now. Remember this one, darling? [plays gentle melody]
Lilith: How could I forget?
Frasier: [sings] Autumn in New York
Lilith: [sings] Moonlight in Vermont
Lilith: You sing it.
Frasier: All right. [sings] Autumn in New York What makes it seem so exciting? Autumn in New York It spells the thrill of first nighting [music stops]
Lilith: It was a lovely honeymoon, wasn't it?
Frasier: [voice breaks] I bought this piano with my gold card. I mean, yes, dear.

Quote from Norm

Norm: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Frasier, Frasier, wait a minute. Before this thing gets any further, come on now, sit down, relax. I think it's time that both you guys understand the truth. Cliffie?
Cliff: Well, Fras, see, yesterday, uh, Normie and l, we were feeling a little frisky and as sort of a gag, we, uh, made a phone call and reported your credit card stolen.
Norm: My God, Cliff, that is fraud! You think you know a guy, Sam.
Sam: Damn it, Norm. Come on.
Norm: All right, all right, all right. I may have, uh, been in the vicinity during that phone call. I might have actually dialed the number.

Quote from Sam

Sam: Boy. You guys are really stirring it up, aren't you? Okay, fellas, give me your credit cards right now.
Norm: What?
Cliff: Aw.
Sam: Give me your credit cards.
Norm: You- You can't cut them up.
Sam: I'm not gonna cut them up.
Norm: Don't cut them up, Sam.
Sam: Woody, you're back in business. Shop away.
Norm: Oh, no.
Woody: All right.
Cliff: Get the scissors and cut them right now.

Quote from Cliff

Norm: Cliffie, come on now. Buck up, buddy. You're, you're just warming up here. You got to start out with an easy one first, huh?
Cliff: Yeah.
Norm: Look, there's- There's Paul! There's Paul.
Cliff: Hey. Hey, Paul!
Paul: Shut up, fathead!

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