Eric Matthews Quotes     Page 17 of 21    

Quote from The Provider

Eric: I'm the chosen one. I'm protected. I've got an invisible shield all over my body.


Quote from The War (Part 1)

Eric: Do I get cookies?
Rachel: No.
Eric: How about a cracker?
Rachel: 'nuttin.
Eric: Mutton?

Quote from Grandma was a Rolling Stone

Eric: You know, some guys use a golden retriever, I figured why not use the weasel right here?

Quote from It's About Time

Eric: I was looking down the end of the receiver and there was this schmutz on it. I'm not sure if it was dried vomit or gum. It tasted more like gum.

Quote from Family Trees

Eric: The problem is if Morgan goes south. If she actually, well, croaks. It's gonna put a damper on the entire party. Which is why we get horsey rides.

Quote from I'm Gonna Be Like You, Dad

Eric: This has been one of the greatest days of my life. I'm telling you something, Mr. Feeny, I think I've finally found my niece.
Mr. Feeny: Niche.
Eric: "Nitch?"

Quote from The War (Part 1)

Eric: I've been reading a lot about this guy named Gandhi. Now Gandhi's an Indian. A Cherokee, I think, but that's really not what's important.

Quote from Things Change

Eric: Duckies rule! You see, I had duckies when I was growing up and I turned out fine.

Quote from Graduation

Eric: You are going to live in that house next to my parents until you die or until I die, whichever one comes first. Although, you know, it will probably be you because you're, what, eighty?

Quote from The Uninvited

Eric: You're so cool I'm going to have mom cut all the feet of your pajamas, because you may just be ready.

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