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Season 5, Episode 7 - Aired May 29, 2018

George Michael suspects his father is lying to him about his relationship with Rebel. Michael suspects his parents are lying to him about Lucille 2's disappearance. Meanwhile, Gob hires a team for a "closet conversion".

Quote from Barry Zuckerkorn

Michael: Why don't I have the family gather at the beach cottage about 3:00? You call me. You tell me you found out they've got the stair car evidence, and I wait for either Mom or Dad to make their next move. Any questions?
Buster: What's the beach cottage?
Michael: I found out, Buster.
Buster: Oh.
Barry: [exhales] What a relief. Because I almost said "the cottage" and then I changed it to "[bleep]ing on the beach."
Buster: It's "frolicking."
Barry: "Frolicking."


Quote from Maeby

George Michael: He expects sex after the election? What are you gonna do? That's in two days.
Maeby: I know. I mean, I can't let the guy see me naked, 'cause, not to brag, but, you know, there's not a lot of 75-year-old women who got a body like this. You know?
George Michael: I don't think that's bragging.
Maeby: Wow. Well, I guess you are jealous, huh?

Quote from Maeby

George Michael: [on the phone] He lied about being at the Howard barbecue. He was there.
Maeby: Wow, and I thought my parents were the selfish ones. At least my mom never tried to sleep with somebody I was da-- Oh, wait. No. Steve Holt. Eh, but he's family.

Quote from Maeby

George Michael: [on the phone] He's going to meet Rebel.
Maeby: Who? Your dad?
George Michael: I think you were right. They were together in Mexico, and that's why my dad has been weird with me.
Maeby: Wow, I was just "specu-lying."
George Michael: Well, you nailed it, Buttons.

Quote from Buster

Buster: [moans] Mother's disgusted by me.
Michael: No.
Buster: She thinks I didn't just tamper with the evidence, she thinks I tampered with Lucille 2.
Michael: No, no, no.
Buster: She must think I'm guilty of murder.
Michael: Don't say that.
Buster: Or she's busy frolicking on the beach with Dusty, her trophy son.
Barry: I should never have put that image in your mind. The good news is, you thought I said "frolicking."

Quote from Buster

Michael: I don't think it's that. I think she knows more than she's letting on. Like where Lucille 2 actually is.
Buster: Huh?
Michael: Think about it. She made a deal with her. Or maybe she just tricked her to leave town. I don't know, but there is something going on, and I think she just needs to let that play out, even if you need to stay in prison a little while.
[Buster pounds the table with his hook]
Guard: No pounding!
Buster: She holds the keys to my freedom, and she won't use it until she gets her selfish needs met. Oh, it's like when she used to lock me in the bathroom for grown-up selfish needs night.
Barry: Oh, did we have a good time.
Buster: What?
Barry: No, it ended in tears.

Quote from Barry Zuckerkorn

Buster: Well, what evidence should we say they have, Michael?
Barry: Lucille 2's head in a box?
Buster: Spooky.
Michael: Well, no. Hang on. That's-- It's gotta be real.
Barry: Okay, so, if it's gotta be real, how about the DA is close to locating the stair car that she was last seen on, because they have a picture of it from a security cam or traffic light cam?
Michael: I think that's getting there.
Barry: Okay, now inside the stair car are two heads. One bald, one spiky.
Buster: Spooky.
Michael: No. I loved it, all the way up till the end. I think stair car's plenty.

Quote from Maeby

Narrator: Michael group-texted his family to meet at the cottage, but accidentally included...
George Michael: Gangie's renting this place?
Narrator: ...his son.
Maeby: No, this is her place. It's been in the family forever. They never told either of us, huh?
George Michael: Oh. Says "Maeby" here.
Maeby: What? How dare they keep track of my height while not telling me?

Quote from George Michael

Maeby: So, how did it go with Rebel's family? You guys seem really buddy-buddy on Instagram. I also saw that that hair thing backfired, huh?
George Michael: Yeah, it was great. I mean, they're just such a nice... I don't want to use "family," 'cause they like each other, but they're a nice group of people.

Quote from Gob

Gob: By the way, guys, as far as the Bluth company float goes, I bet you guys are thinking, uh, will he, won't he?
George Sr.: "Willy Wondy?"
Michael: Who's Willy Wondy?
George Sr.: "Will he, won't he" do magic on our float.
Lucille: Won't he.
Gob: Tony? Did you say Tony?
Lucille: Won't he.
Gob: Wonder. What? Why are you trying to say "Tony Wonder"?
Michael: No one's saying Tony-
Gob: Stay out of it, Mike. Why are you saying Tony Wonder? Is he doing a trick or something?
Lucille: No one's saying that or asking anything.
Gob: Good. Let's keep it that way. Anyway, you're probably saying or wondering- Now I'm doing it. [laughs] Why I won't be doing a magic show on our float. And the answer is: because I've been asked to do so on another float. A great company, Laguna Closet Conversions. Know those guys? It's not what you think. They, like, convert closets to, like, organize and stuff.
Michael: Who would think anything different?
Narrator: This geo-bead would.

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