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Quote from Barry Zuckerkorn in Rom-Traum

Buster: Well, what evidence should we say they have, Michael?
Barry: Lucille 2's head in a box?
Buster: Spooky.
Michael: Well, no. Hang on. That's-- It's gotta be real.
Barry: Okay, so, if it's gotta be real, how about the DA is close to locating the stair car that she was last seen on, because they have a picture of it from a security cam or traffic light cam?
Michael: I think that's getting there.
Barry: Okay, now inside the stair car are two heads. One bald, one spiky.
Buster: Spooky.
Michael: No. I loved it, all the way up till the end. I think stair car's plenty.

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