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Let 'Em Eat Cake

‘Let 'Em Eat Cake’

Season 1, Episode 22 - Aired April 6, 2004

As Michael and George Sr. prepare for a polygraph test, Kitty attempts to blackmail the company with information she gleaned inside the company. Meanwhile, the entire family is on the Atkins diet.

Quote from Buster

Narrator: While Buster and Annyong waitedjust outside.
Buster: Come on. Just let me have one bite.
Annyong: No. Mother said no carbohydrate for you if you ever gonna get girlfriend that's not old lady.
Buster: At least I can get a girlfriend.
Annyong: I can get a girlfriend before you.
Buster: Oh, we'll see about that.
Michael: Why aren't you in there?
Buster: Oh, I was just keeping Annyong company. Give me that bagel, you little [bleep] Give it to me! [bleep]


Quote from Barry Zuckerkorn

Barry: Good to see you. You know what? Don't get too close to me. 'Cause I've got an itch you can't believe. I think something laid eggs on me.
Michael: Thanks for the heads-up.

Quote from Gob

Barry: We've got your polygraph set for tomorrow.
Michael: About that-
Gob: I'll tell them, Michael. I won't do it. I'm afraid of what I might know.
George Sr.: You? No one wants you. Does anyone want him, Barry?
Barry: Who would want him?
Lucille: They don't want you.
Gob: Good.

Quote from Gob

Michael: I might not be the best witness either. I got a phone call from Kitty this morning.
Barry: His secretary?
George Sr.: My secretary.
Michael: She says that she's got some evidence and she's threatening to bring down the company unless we meet her demands.
Gob: Oh, that is just great. And now I'm expected to climb back on top of Kitty and do my thing again. I mean, this family runs into problems, it's "Oh, let's have Gob [bleep] our way out of it."
George Sr.: What is wrong-
Lucille: What is the matter with you?
Michael: It's me that she wants to meet with, Gob.
Gob: Oh. Good.

Quote from George Michael

Ann Veal: Are bananas high in carbohydrates?
George Michael: Oh, you're on Atkins too?
Ann Veal: Uh, yeah.
George Michael: Actually, that's, um that's why I'm gonna be on on TV.
Ann Veal: You are?
George Michael: I was interviewed for Hindsight, with John Beard. I, uh, I gave them a joke, but I don't know if they're gonna use it.
George Michael: [on tape] You know, thanks to this diet craze, the last time we had a customer the banana stand was still green.
John Beard: Lose it. No, lose the whole kid. We'll just go with the Iraq piece.

Quote from Michael

Michael: I just want to know what you want.
Kitty: I'd like to be in charge of the Bluth Company.
Michael: Well, I want a hamburger and French fries, but I can't have the bun or potatoes. Get real.

Quote from George Michael

Michael: Great news. The business is gonna be okay.
George Michael: Yeah, I thought bananas would be okay on the diet.
Michael: No, l-I meant- Well- You haven't been eating those, have you?
George Michael: No. No. Not at all. Just some nuts.
Michael: Good. Those are fine.

Quote from Tobias

Michael: Lindsay, the bead business taking off, is it?
Tobias: Actually, I am the breadwinner, Michael, as it turns out. I was walking in a strange place today a place I'd never set foot in before.
Narrator: Tobias, walking down a street he'd been down many times, saw a book he'd written years earlier as a psychiatrist. The book, initially unsuccessful, had suddenly caught fire although, strangely, only in the gay community.
Tobias: The book is huge. And I have a bit of money coming my way as a result. So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go upstairs and run the shower. Let me know if it's too loud in the kitchen.

Quote from Narrator

Narrator: Michael had just found out his father might have committed some light treason by building model homes in Iraq.

Quote from Gob

Gob: What about hash browns?
Kitty: No, because hash browns are potatoes.
Gob: So you really can't eat anything on this diet. Wow. Wonder how this is gonna affect my honey business?
Kitty: Gob, I have seen you get passed over time and time again by your family. You don't deserve that. You're smarter than them.
Gob: What about macaroni... let me finish... salad?

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