Barbara Howard Quotes     Page 9 of 9

Quote from Teacher Conference

Melissa: I say we do one more lap. I really wasn't paying attention last time 'cause I was too distracted by how much my feet hurt.
Barbara: I have consulted with my fibula, and she is not doing another lap, and it is time for you to settle things with your sister.


Quote from Festival

Barbara: I've got good news, and I've got bad news. The good news is every day is a blessing. The bad news is Draemond has already buttered up Delisha Sloss like a freshly cooked piece of corn on the cob.

Quote from Festival

Barbara: Never have I ever been so happy to hear such explicit content.

Quote from Festival

Draemond: I guess I've been bested by the best.
Barbara: And I hope that now we can just put this whole endeavor behind us.
Draemond: This actually takes a lot off my plate. [chuckles] I really brought the community together tonight, huh?
Barbara: Bless your soul, Draemond.
[aside to camera:]
Barbara: Every student is special, and you have to give them your best. And you hope that they will carry it with them, but at the end of the day, they have to decide who they want to be. And this one decided to be a jackass.

Quote from Festival

Barbara: I'm gonna butter up Delisha Sloss like a hot dinner roll and see what she can do for us on the school board level.

Quote from Educator of the Year

Barbara: Janine, do you believe you're the worst teacher?
Janine: I don't know. I've done everything I can for Deshaun, and it's not enough, so maybe.
Barbara: So, what you're gonna do is pick yourself up, dust yourself off, come back here tomorrow, and do your job.
Janine: But I didn't solve the problem. I am failing him.
Barbara: I have been called a bad teacher more times than I can ever remember. [Janine sniffles] People have thrown dirt on my name. Others have given flowers. [Janine sighs] But it's all a garden to me.
Janine: Barbara, I've never seen you fail a child. You always find a solution.
Barbara: Oh, please. I do not always have the answer. In fact, there are some issues and problems that are just too difficult for anyone, even me, to solve in one school year. But if you come back here tomorrow ready to do your job, having not given up on yourself or that student, well, that is not failure. Sometimes, that's what success looks like. So, how long do you think that conversation was? You know, let's just round it up to 15 minutes. Now, I am going to need you to initial and sign my IGAL worksheet.
Janine: Oh, okay.
Barbara: Yeah. See? There you go. [Janine sniffles] Oh, and if you see any more weeping millennials roaming the hallway, please, send them my way.
Janine: Okay. Um, thank you so much.
Barbara: Thank you, baby.

Quote from Franklin Institute

Melissa: Dang, Barb. Did you pack Gerald in there?
Ava: We worked too hard on this fundraiser to get kicked out because you want to get freaky in Sir Isaac's Loft.
Barbara: I have an extensive nighttime regimen that will not be abandoned because of an overnight youth excursion.
Melissa: Explaining why she hasn't aged since before the Internet.
Ava: I know. What you got in there? [Barbara grabs her bag]
Barbara: Did I hear the bell?
Ava: No. ... [bell rings]
Barbara: Ha! Lucky us. Two-bell day. [Barbara scurries off with her bag] Huh.

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