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Viewing Party

‘Viewing Party’

Season 7, Episode 8 - Aired November 11, 2010

When Erin invites the entire office to a "Glee" viewing party at Gabe's house, Michael is annoyed that everyone thinks of Gabe as his boss, Andy is jealous of Gabe and Erin's relationship, while Pam gets help with Cece from an unexpected source.

Quote from Erin

Andy: You're having a party at Gabe's apartment?
Erin: Mmm! I'd love it if you were there.
Andy: You would?
Erin: You and Michael are always the life of the party!
Andy: Try and keep me from coming!
Erin: Why would I keep you from coming?
Andy: Try and hide it, I will track this party down!
Erin: Why would I hide it! [giggling]


Quote from Gabe

Gabe: What happened?
Andy: I accidentally ate some seahorses.
Gabe: How much?
Andy: I didn't know it's powdered, so like four or five, I don't know.
Gabe: I've got just the thing! [leaves, returns back with his synthesizer] This one's called Earth Rise on the Moon.
Andy: That's so beautiful.

Quote from Kevin

Andy: I bet he's wishing he had a hybrid, right? Sixty miles to the gallon in the city.
Kevin: No, I bet he's wishing he was strangling someone!

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Kevin!
Kevin: Hey, you going tonight?
Michael Scott: Yes, I am. Are you?
Kevin: Yeah! You gotta go to the boss's party!
Michael Scott: What? No Gabe is... Gabe is not the boss.
Kevin: Oh, he's not the boss.
Michael Scott: Why did you just say he was the boss?
Kevin: 'Cause, you're the boss!
Michael Scott: Yee. Guys! Do you consider Gabe to be the boss? [Oscar and Darryl have vanished]

Quote from Erin

Erin: It's a make your own pizza night. Isn't Gabe's place so nice?
Michael Scott: Uh huh.
Erin: Look at the size of those wine glasses, Michael.
Michael Scott: Big.
Erin: Those posters used to be real French ads.
Michael Scott: All right.

Quote from Michael Scott

Gabe: You don't really toss the dough.
Michael Scott: Try to destroy the old ways, Gabe. I will not let you.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Okay. Here's what we're gonna do. Right down the hall is a bed room. All the real Glee fans are gonna go down the hall to the real Glee party in the bedroom. Follow me. Where we can crank it!

Quote from Oscar

Oscar: [pauses show] That one! She's been in a couple episodes of Friday Night...
Kelly: You know what? I'm so confused. Is this a Glee watching party? Or a Glee pausing party? 'Cause we keep stopping it, to get a history lesson from...
Oscar: You know what? I didn't read the rules, I didn't know the rules. There, it's on. I didn't read the rule book.

Quote from Darryl

Darryl: Take a shot.
Andy: Oh, thanks.
Darryl: Wow, so much Asia stuff. I wonder if there's a guy in China right now, looking at a bunch of our stuff.

Quote from Darryl

Andy: Why does Erin like Gabe?
Darryl: Andy look, all I know is that if I was a girl, and I had to choose between the tall dude who loved Asia, and the you looking dude who loves sweaters and wearing sweaters, I'd choose you.
Andy: That's really nice, thank you.
Darryl: And I'd blow your mind.

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