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The Inner Circle

‘The Inner Circle’

Season 7, Episode 23 - Aired May 5, 2011

The Dunder Mifflin staff worry about getting in the inner circle of their new boss, Deangelo, who seems to favor the male employees.

Quote from Andy

Pam: Why don't you talk to him about it?
Jim: And say what? "Hey Deangelo, are you shy or just a sexist?"
Pam: Why don't you just tell him how his actions are being perceived by the women in this office?
Jim: Mmm-hmm.
Andy: And if he doesn't listen, then he can kiss his penis goodbye. Snip snip. Am I right, girls?


Quote from Kelly

Pam: So, Jordan, uh, where did you work before? Uh, a law office?
Jordan: No, Anthropology. "We don't have this in that size..." Pretty lame.
Kelly: Lame? You worked at Anthropology?
Jordan: Yeah.
Kelly: That's like my dream job. How did you even get that job?
Jordan: Well, I um-
Kelly: You chose this job over that job?
Ryan: Okay, okay, back to work, Kelly, we have a lot to get done today.

Quote from Andy

Andy: Yes! I'm in.
Angela: Andy, what are you doing?
Andy: I'm going in, into the belly of the beast. Gonna infiltrate and change from within. What's up mancave? [barking]

Quote from Pam

Andy: Okay, I do not want to waste your time, so I will keep this br-r-r-r--ief. Now, word on the street is, Mercy Hospital, back on the market. Deangelo would like you to put together a sales pitch for next week. Deangelo has also recently learned about the Barnacle Project. Which is a non-profit organization based in Mystic, Connecticut that assists in the scraping of barnacles-
[aside to camera:]
Jim: So this is my life. Until I win the lottery [laughs]. Or Pam finally writes that series of young adult books.
[separately to camera:]
Pam: So one afternoon, while walking home from school, quirky 10th grader Becky Walters finds a wounded Pegasus in the woods. And she becomes... The Horse Flyer.

Quote from Erin

Erin: Deangelo?
Deangelo: [gibberish]
Jim: Oh my God, are you alright? Erin, will you call 911 please?
Erin: Who should I say is calling?
Jim: Erin.

Quote from Gabe

Pam: Hey, it sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun, but it's really loud, and some of us are trying to work, so do you think you could do it a little more quietly?
Gabe: Well, that's gonna be tough, because we're getting a dunking clinic from Magic Jordan himself.
Deangelo: Oh, you mean Michael Jordan?
Gabe: [laughs] Total brain burp.

Quote from Ryan

Deangelo: Is this true, Ryan?
Ryan: I did not see Rango.
Deangelo: Okay, I don't have time for this he said-she said.
Kelly: He's not saying anything!
Deangelo: It's too murky. I like Ryan. You seem kind of hysterical to me. Ryan's your supervisor. Let's just leave it that way.
Kelly: That's not fair, I mean, I've been working here for such a long ti-
Ryan: [sighs] Oh, close call! Okay, why don't you just finish this up and leave it on my desk and I will see you at your place around 2 am.

Quote from Darryl

Deangelo: So, coasting time is officially over. Big changes are comin', and they're comin' fast. If you don't like 'em, this is called a door. You can walk right through it, alright? I'm not here to be your friend. I like my life outside of this place. I live to leave at 5. Change number one: Darryl. per your request, the company is sending you to business school at night. Full ride. Deal with it.
Darryl: Seriously?
Deangelo: Stone cold seriously.
[aside to camera:]
Deangelo: They are trying to figure me out. And I don't like it. Once they figure me out, they start to tell me what I want to hear. And I need to quickly figure out who's a good worker and who is simply a good mind reader. Because as soon as I'm hearing what I want to hear, I'm not gonna care.

Quote from Kevin

Deangelo: Change two, Toby, you're gettin' a new chair.
Toby: Thanks.
Deangelo: Don't thank me! Hey, don't thank me, guy! Okay? And I don't care if you like it.
Oscar: These sound like good ideas, why wouldn't we like them?
Deangelo: I don't care what your favorite flavor is. Here's a bowl of ice cream. You either like it or you don't. [Andy nods] That's my attitude right now in this room. That's my attitude on Ice Cream Thursdays. Alright? Clear? Any questions?
Kevin: This all sounds great to me. ... But I could see how some people might think that they're bad. I don't know what to think.
Deangelo: That is a s- Astute observation, Kevin.
[aside to camera:]
Deangelo: Kev's got me pegged. [chuckles]

Quote from Pam

Deangelo: It blows away Vermont in the fall.
Darryl: Snap, for real?
Pam: Good morning, Deangelo.
Deangelo: Hold on.
Pam: Okay.
Deangelo: [continuing to talk to Darryl] And if you're really serious, you should go in the spring.
Pam: Because of the flowers.
Deangelo: No. Because the entire state smells like earth.
Pam: Dogwoods, or just the Earth.
Deangelo: Yes, Pam.

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